very very frustrating... (MAC AND PC)

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hey im new here and i have a question for anyone that might be able to answer... i have both a powerbook and a pc and use a linksys router to connect to the internet on my mac. i then had to format my pc. before, i could share files across my network and printing to my windows printer was set-up. i now (since the reformat) cant see my pc in the network on the powerbook, but the pc can see my pb.... i can no longer print as well... even after setting the printer up. i think a network probelm may be causing all these issues. thanks in advance to anyone who can or wants to help me out. :)
You reformatted the PC so you need to re-setup sharing on the PC. Also the reformat on the PC may have changed the name of the printer. Delete the printer setup out of the Mac and re-create the path. OS X is still looking for the old setup, not the new setup (the reformat change the setup ever so slightly). Also, if you are communicating from PC to Mac and Mac to Pc, then remember and always use the web site MacWindows. They do nothing but Mac to Windows and vise-versa for many years now. Search their database for some very useful information.
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