VGA 2 DVI-Possible?


I have a 12" 867 Mhz Powerbook G4 with a VGA out adapter. I purchased a VGA 2 DVI converter for my 23" Cinema HD Display. In my display system prefs it pops up with a window giving me control of my "Cinema HD Display" with a resolution of 1920x1200 (or something close to that). I can also drag windows into the display and arrange where the screens are. The screen on the Cinema display is blank through all this. I have tested the display on a friends 15" PB with a DVI port and it works fine.
The adapter used is a DVI-I Adapter. On the back it says it cannot convert an analog to a digital signal. That's what's happening here isn't it? Analog VGA to Digital DVI? Is there another adapter that can do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated, does this just not work or is it an adapter problem?

Thanks SO much!
Unfortunately you need a fancier adapter, one that will convert VGA to DVI-D. I think that they run about $150 IIRC.