video chat between mac and pc


Now, i already use ichatav, but i want to be able to chat to my girlfriend who is moving to california in a month while i stay in texas. She just bought a new dell and i have a powerbook as well as a regular pc. What type of programs out will let us video chat? Will regular aim support video chat or am i going to have to buy a separate program? I have heard of evocam, buti havent played with it much.

i use ispq Http://
works well on my mac and pc. never have problems communicating with other users. It is also useable over a pots system. Works at about 1-2 fps over a dsl link
Just make sure it supports your camera.
Of course the other user has to have ispq installed on their machine also.

Don't know of any programs that work on both computers. If anyone knows of any, please let me know.

The only videochat clients I know and that are on both platforms (windows and macos) are ISPQ and yahoo.
Yahoo is for free and I am using it as well.
Works fine. But there is just video-support. Audio ain't available for mac... i can do that one. Just switched to att gsm phone with unlimited night and weekends.

i will try the ispq setup as well. maybe that now apple has released ichat av, others will follow suit?
be careful ... I tried almost all programs a couple months ago, and if you're expecting iChat A/V quality you'll be very disappointed.
Thats right! Quality of iChat AV is really incredible. I am using yahoo and their "supervideo" mode (?) and I get poor 1,6 frames per second over dsl. iChat AV looks like more than 5 I think (if not even much more). And still the pic of yahoo could never beat iChat..
But hey, we're looking for alternatives... ;)