Viewing BBC News Video


On my old imac I use to be able to view any of the BBC News (online) video programmes. But now I have a 'Intel' Macmini all I get is select Real Player or Windows Media Player.

Problem is neither works just a notice saying you dont have the right Plugins!!!

Any ideas or is this just an Intel problem?
Hi Dennis,

I hate RealPlayer with a passion and it's crappy second thought of an implementaion on MacOS. I have the same problem as you. Actually, I think this is a software problem (PowerPC and Intel independent) because I'm on a G4 PowerBook.

I have spent hours trying to fix this but to no avail.

I'm all ears, anybody got this working?

I hate real player as well. As your gentlemen talking about viewing new clips from BBC. I am using Safari with Real Player, can video the short new clips.
Good to see I am not the only one with this problem.

Viewing online news video services is such an integral part of using the internet these days that I feel there must be an answer to the 'Intel' problem (assuming that is what it is?)

Just have'nt found the solution yet, have tried just about every browser but nothing seems to work.
Some of the BBC streams that I can see here in the UK have a caption that reads "This video stream is only available to users in the UK". Don't know why - broadcasting rights and sales?
The problem is that the browser is universal and the plugins are not. Real still has not produced a universal version of real player yet. Yet another company ignoring the MAC user base
Since I originally posted this problem Real Player have released the latest upgrade to cover intel Macs. Having installed the upgrade I have to say the problem is now completely solved.

Real Player now works brilliantly with the BBC News site; nice to see Mac owner were not forgotten after all!