D daddykool Registered Aug 3, 2005 #1 When I log into one FTP server, I get a full folder listing, when I log into another blank. [See attached]. Any ideas. daddykool. Attachments Picture 2.pdf Picture 2.pdf 59.8 KB · Views: 5 Picture 3.pdf Picture 3.pdf 50.8 KB · Views: 4
When I log into one FTP server, I get a full folder listing, when I log into another blank. [See attached]. Any ideas. daddykool.
M MisterMe Registered Aug 3, 2005 #2 FWIW, if you logged in via Safari, the two sites were handed off to the Finder. As for your problem, some FTP sites are setup in non-standard fashion, which not all FTP clients can properly access. Down Fetch and try it on the blank site.
FWIW, if you logged in via Safari, the two sites were handed off to the Finder. As for your problem, some FTP sites are setup in non-standard fashion, which not all FTP clients can properly access. Down Fetch and try it on the blank site.
D daddykool Registered Aug 3, 2005 #3 My FTP weapon of choice is Transmit, I haven't used Fetch since OS 9. As Quasimodo said, I have a hunch about this. It's either the FTP client or the FTP server. One of the guys in the office has been shouting "Passive", but I've assumed this was about Celtic's defence last week. The only way I can see about switching on passive FTP is to fiddle with the proxy settings (there does seem to be an option there). Failing that I'm going to try and find some kind of FTP log for this transaction ( I know most other FTP clients have one). All other comments welcome. daddykool
My FTP weapon of choice is Transmit, I haven't used Fetch since OS 9. As Quasimodo said, I have a hunch about this. It's either the FTP client or the FTP server. One of the guys in the office has been shouting "Passive", but I've assumed this was about Celtic's defence last week. The only way I can see about switching on passive FTP is to fiddle with the proxy settings (there does seem to be an option there). Failing that I'm going to try and find some kind of FTP log for this transaction ( I know most other FTP clients have one). All other comments welcome. daddykool