vignette client on mac os x


I'm wondering if any of you mac os x gurus out there happen to be familiar with Vignette Storyserver, and the developer client. I do Storyserver development, and I'm currently consigned to use their development client, which is written java, on windows. I've been told that unless there's windows dependent hooks involved, it ought to run on mac os x if I copy the .class files.

Does anyone happen to know, or know how to easily tell if the application is windows dependent? The applications files are .exe, but I'm not sure if that means I'm out of luck or not. This is a pretty obscure question, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

Thanks in advance for any info.

I'm not familiar with this vignette thing you speak of, but take heart--an .exe doesn't mean you're out of luck. My guess is that the .exe is probably a pretty small file and that all it really does is call the Java classes.

Good luck.

true, first of all, check out the size of the executable, and take a look at any resource directories along the app
Thanks for the feedback to my question, and I apologize for taking so long to respond. The .exe files are indeed very small, under 80K, as far as I can tell. There are about seven all told.

Any advice as to how I would proceed? I'm a web developer/programmer by trade, but I'm totally clueless regarding what would be entailed in porting these exe's over to os x. I'm assuming some small app(s) would be required to simulate the funtionality of the exe's on the mac. What's the first step, buy a book on cocoa?

Thanks again for your feedback, and for any further info.

Did you find any directories or any other resources (apart from the exe's themselves) related to the vignette client software?

Do you have a list of what's actually installed?

Alternatively, you could try a find of '.jar' files and see what comes up.
Yes indeed, there's a whole bunch of stuff. In addition to the .exe's, there's about twenty .dll's, maybe forty .jar files, and a lot of stuff that looks like gui resources, gifs and whatnot.

Would the number of .dll files lead you to think that this is a pretty windows dependent application?

I can send a list of everything if you like, but I understand if you're not interested in getting too deep into this. Thanks for the insights though.

Doesn't look good regarding the .dll files.

On the other hand you could post the list of jar files, with their relative paths (which are significant).

The directory stucture is kind of a mess, but here's a list that includes most of the .jar files. The more I look at this, the more I suspect it might be more trouble than it's worth. Looks kinda sketchy, what with all the .dll's scattered around.

Let me know what you think, and thanks again for the help.

C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib

Unregistered version.Please register.
CMTemplates.attr *.att 83,606
controls File Folder <DIR> -
copyright *.0\l 2,932
corojdk11.dll Application Extension *.dll 68,096
dde.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 84,559
diva File Folder <DIR> -
diva.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 2,577,326
fixes.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 43,709
images.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 1,820
jdde.dll Application Extension *.dll 66,560
jsafe.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 272,816
jsafeSSL.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 501,189
license.txt Text Document *.txt 16,014
macrodata *.0\l 11,606 WinZip File *.zip 15,054
native.jar Executable Jar File *.jar
oromatcher-1.0.7.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 49,445
security.cfg *.cfg 3,010
tools File Folder <DIR> -
vgn_crash_handler.dll Application Extension *.dll 36,864
vgn_ui_native.dll Application Extension *.dll 32,768
vignette_export.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 3,970,505
vlogo32.ico Icon *.ico 2,238

___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\controls Start__ level1

Button.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 10,290
CheckBox.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 10,742
CodaComponent.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 11,176
CodaEditText.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 15,252
CodaImage.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 11,367
CodaLibrary.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 9,591
CodaListBox.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 25,289
CodaScript.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 7,808
custom File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\controls\custom Start__ level2

examples File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\controls\custom\examples Start__ level3

doc File Folder <DIR> -
ExampleControl File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\controls\custom\examples End__ level3

README.txt Text Document *.txt 152
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\controls\custom End__ level2

DataForm.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 15,986
DataSource.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 18,983
DataView.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 33,697
ImageButton.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 8,578
MissingControl.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 3,624
RadioButton.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 13,686
RolloverButton.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 12,425
Table.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 171,647
Toolbar.txt Text Document *.txt 276
VisualMacro.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 6,704
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\controls End__ level1

copyright *.0\l 2,932
corojdk11.dll Application Extension *.dll 68,096
dde.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 84,559
diva File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\diva Start__ level1

coda.pal *.pal 1,558
codaclasses File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\diva\codaclasses Start__ level2

editor File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\diva\codaclasses\editor Start__ level3

core File Folder <DIR> -
dialogs File Folder <DIR> -
menus File Folder <DIR> -
palettes File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\diva\codaclasses\editor End__ level3

plugins File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\diva\codaclasses\plugins Start__ level3

buttonarray File Folder <DIR> -
codabutton File Folder <DIR> -
colorslider File Folder <DIR> -
contentarea File Folder <DIR> -
edittext File Folder <DIR> -
groupbox File Folder <DIR> -
gslider File Folder <DIR> -
huebar File Folder <DIR> -
imagecontrol File Folder <DIR> -
link File Folder <DIR> -
listarea File Folder <DIR> -
listbox File Folder <DIR> -
rect File Folder <DIR> -
richtext File Folder <DIR> -
script File Folder <DIR> -
scrollarea File Folder <DIR> -
slider File Folder <DIR> -
sound File Folder <DIR> -
statictext File Folder <DIR> -
statictxt File Folder <DIR> -
tabpanel File Folder <DIR> -
tree File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\diva\codaclasses\plugins End__ level3

diva.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 2,577,326
fixes.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 43,709
images.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 1,820
jdde.dll Application Extension *.dll 66,560
jsafe.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 272,816
jsafeSSL.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 501,189
license.txt Text Document *.txt 16,014
macrodata *.0\l 11,606 WinZip File *.zip 15,054
native.jar Executable Jar File *.jar
oromatcher-1.0.7.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 49,445
security.cfg *.cfg 3,010
tools File Folder <DIR> -
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\tools Start__ level1

admin.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 230,048
bizctr.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 318,658
devctr.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 484,377
prodctr.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 840,349
tempdev.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 398,659
___Subdirectory C:\Program Files\Vignette\StoryServer 5\Clients\R5.0\lib\tools End__ level1

vgn_crash_handler.dll Application Extension *.dll 36,864
vgn_ui_native.dll Application Extension *.dll 32,768
vignette_export.jar Executable Jar File *.jar 3,970,505
vlogo32.ico Icon *.ico 2,238