Virgin France attacks Apple for monopoly

That's the stupidist thing I've ever heard. Heck I can't fly Virgin Atlantic when I purchase a Delta Ticket. So, I guess they are going to force me to buy a crap player so I can listen to their crap music. Go bugger off Branson!!!!
That's lame. Windows DRM has to be licensed. You can't force a company to license all the other competing products to put into their own.
Darn! And my Mac only runs software compatible with Mac! That is bull! SUE SUE SUE! Why can't I run Windows software or XBOX games?
Silliness, yeah... I hope Virgin isn't silly enough to think that with Apple out of the way they'd be seeing Microsoft scratching, clawing, and anti-competiting itself to the point where all the other online stores either are squashed out of business or spend most of their money on the Windows Media tax?

Apple's not known for its openness, but jeeze, would you want a market 50-70% owned by Apple, or 100% owned (or, more likely, heavily controlled) by Microsoft?

However, when I see Apple say things like "we support only iTunes on the iPod because it makes sense to support only the market leader" (Steve Jobs quote from an article that was posted here recently, I can find the source if anyone wants), I get a bit intellectually insulted. Come on Steve, your users are the smart ones, and we don't believe it for a second =)
No kidding, hell, what is this guy smoking?! I want some!

The point of the iPod isn't to let people listen to music purchased from other online retailers, it's to let people listen to music purchased through the iTunes Music Store -- as well as the 100s of CDs that person legally owns as well as his old LPs and some lectures he recorded and chooses to rip into one of five different, high-quality, widely accepted formats (WAV, AIFF, MP3, AAC, Apple Lossless). If we put all the music that person purchases online through the iTMS together with the already owned CDs/LPs and "to-be-purchased-in-the-future" CDs and the legally-recorded home stuff, then Apple is excluding a miniscule percentage of the rest of the "legal music" market. Hardly a monopoly. It's as if this moron completely forgot that online music stores are not the only place people get music from legally.

What a tool.
That's silly. There is nothing preventing anyone from using mp3s from services such as or unprotected aac.

i have music from emusic on my ipod.
ScottW said:
Darn! And my Mac only runs software compatible with Mac! That is bull! SUE SUE SUE! Why can't I run Windows software or XBOX games?

Hey, you can always build your Unix apps from source .. ::ha::

My Ericsson does not play Nokia ringtones.. I think I should sue Ericsson ;)
I'm not sure Apple blocks iPod from using DRM files from Windows sites or ATRAC from Sony, that's more MSFT and Sony locking their files so that these cannot be played with the iPod, no ?

BTW, if Virgin sells regular MP3 files, these can be played on any iPod :-)
ElDiabloConCaca said:
The point of the iPod isn't to let people listen to music purchased from other online retailers, it's to let people listen to music purchased through the iTunes Music Store -- as well as the 100s of CDs that person legally owns as well as his old LPs and some lectures he recorded and chooses to rip into one of five different, high-quality, widely accepted formats (WAV, AIFF, MP3, AAC, Apple Lossless).

You're right. I almost never see this said in those discussions, which I think is a pity. Myself, I never even had the chance to buy in the iTMS, so I think they didn't exactly use their monopoly on me, eh? ;-)
talking about hte compatibility ... does any of you guys use ogg/vorbis? my roomate likes that format, and he doesn't want an ipod because of that format not being ipod compatible ... he wants a mac thought, so what should i tell him to listen to vorbis files with? itunes with some plugin?
I don't think there's an ogg/vorbis plugin for iTunes, though you can get the source and compile a command line player.