Virt PC and graphics accelerator card...



I am running Virtual PC 3.0 on my Quicksilver. I am trying to run Midtown Madness on it but the 3D display is so slow! I have a graphics accelerator card in my Quicksilver but when I go into options I can not find my graphics card listed as an option. Do I need to download a PC (Win 98) driver? Any suggestions?


Really, there is a strange problem with all this.
You cannot use your 3D accellerator if you haven't a voodoo 3D card.
VPC only supports and recognices Voodoo cards.
It's because connectix has not dessigned a speciffic Rave or Nvidia driver to use in the emulated PC machine. Your driver is only for a S3 867/868 video card. And Virtual PC only recognices this one. To repair this, you have to write to Connectix. They have to dessign a special driver to run in ROM BIOS. After this we'll can use our graphics accellerators.

Please I'm sorry because my english is n't good.
that only half true. VPC only recognise the voodoo1 card. Every othe 3D card isn't supported. But I don't know if the voodoo1 is still supported in VPC4.


No, Virt PC 4 does not support any graphics cards, even voodoo. I talked to one of the people on the Virt PC forums and they told me. Well, I guess if I want good 3D gaming I will have to get a real pc! :eek:

Have a great day!
