Virtual PC 6


I have just got a copy of Virtual PC 6. I was wondering if this is a worthwhile program to use as I have XP Professional and MS office. I guess I will be able to link my mobile finally!!!!

Is it slow? is it unstable? Should I make a seperate partition for it?

What do you think and what are your experiences?
You should find VPC 6 is fine running on the config you have. Make sure you've downloaded the latest update from Connectix (which should bring you up to VPC 6.0.1).

You should not need to set up a separate HD partition. Just install VPC in your Applications folder and take it from there. I have found using the "dynamically expanding" drive images to be very handy - although it works fine with fixed windows drive images as well.

Running MS Office applications in Win XP will work fine too. I run several Windows virtual machines simultaneously (Win 2000 and Win 98) and they all perform well and network with each other - plus share the OSX network via the Virtual Switch feature.

Don't expect anything in terms of performance if you're wanting to run Windows games, though. They will not perform well, but for ordinary office apps performance is acceptable and not a problem.
