I'm running os 10.1 and I have virtual pc and a copy of gta 3. Virtual PC runs slow as hell, I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion or if playing a game through virtual pc is hopeless.
I think it's pretty hopeless since AKAIK, VPC no longer takes advantage of 3d enabled video cards, and thus makes it extremely hard to play any games on it.
GTA3 runs pretty fast on my pc! I got a P4 2,53 with JUST 256MB of Pc1066 Ram and a GForce3 Ti500...
I think you need a fast processor to run this game the way it's supposed to be and not a high amount of ram...
And using VirtualPC... I am sorry, but this is hopeless! VirtualPC is very slow even for "easy" apps. And since the processor is that important for GTA3 you should really forget it or go for a Windows-System.
I've heard that GTA3's performance on PC vs. PS2 is not so great. I don't have both to compare though; I've only PS2. I've even read rumors that RockStar is not going to port Vice City to PC because of the performance issues. It sure is sweet on the PS2 though. Can anyone who has GTA3 for PC and PS2 comment on comparative performance?
Oh, and to stay on-topic... GTA3 on VPC is probably a non-starter. If will even run, it's performance is likely to be so bad as to be unplayable. I suspect, though, that it (GTA3) would fail to run at all since it won't find the accelerated video that it undoubtedly requires.
As a side note... Like GranTurismo3, GTA3/GTA:VC are, IMNSHO reason enough to find $300 bucks to get a PS2 (and the game). Never mind poking around on a PC, I play GTA:VC on the bigscreen (Sony 57" HD, 16x9, using component video) with DTS surround. The game rocks in this configuration. DTS was a killer thing for them to include. Spatial cues work really well, and even the ambient noise of the city is very realistic. I especially like that the police helicopter is much easier to locate based on sound alone.