HiI bought Virtual PC with PC-dos 2000 version 4, and updated it to 4.0.2I have a desktop G4 with mac os 9.1 and X.I am trying to install windows 95 and/or windows98. I followed the manual instructions creating a virtual machine and chosing the option windows 95 or windows 98 or pc dos. Everithing was ok, but when I start up this new virtual machine (hit the button "start up") I have a window with an error message "Non-System disk or disk error" instead of the error I should have when I read the manual"the drive image is not bootable".
How can I do to create a window 95/98/2000 viertual machine ?
How can I do to create a dos virtual machine ?
Please help!!!!
How can I do to create a window 95/98/2000 viertual machine ?
How can I do to create a dos virtual machine ?
Please help!!!!