Virtual PC Speed?


I do not own Virtual PC, but have been considering purchasing it. I stumbled upon benchmarks that imply that it is extremely slow.

Example: starting Internet Explorer takes 15-25 seconds running VPC 5 on QuickSilver G4 733, 1.1 GB RAM..

Is this accurate? Starting IE on my ancient Pentium 133 w/ 16mb ram under win98 only takes 6 seconds. . .

I'm just wondering if any VPC 5 users could share some "real world" samples of the usability of Virtual PC..

it's real slllllloooooooooooowwwwwww ww ww w w w w w w w w! !

Good for little things like checking web design for PC machines, and non-mac essential software (is there any!?)

Even with a highly optimized system, I could just barely get my launch time to match your 133, Noc. Just under 8 seconds to launch IE 5 here.
Since you have a pc, I wouldn't get VPC. Not yet. It's just too slow.

One of my main gripes is the total lack of video hardware acceleration.
If they could do that, we'd see a VAST improvement.

Later dudes.
I run VPC in OS 9.
It runs muuuuch faster than in OS X :-)
(dont know why) --
My flavor of windows on VPC 5 is XP -- works fine :-)
However, I work nearly completely in X now, and don't use VPC that much anyway, so it's not as big a deal for me... if I need more horsepower, I just move my butt over to my wife's thinkpad.

This does show, though, that Connectix has some optimization to do to get VPC to work as good (or better) than it does in 9.

the only thing I haven't done yet is to 'nice' it up a bit from the cl.

later Admiral, (always good to hear from you!)
Imagine running a couple of VPCs at the same time :p 3 monitors
1) MacOS X
2) VPC Win XP
3) VPC Linux

he he he -- that ought to confuse the heck out of everyone :D
4th for XDarwin?
and maybe 5th for BeOS?? (although I've heard that that doesn't install so easily under VPC).
let's see..... what else can we add??
you know what??

I've got an extra 19" sitting here that I'm not using, I'd just have to add another video card which is not such a big deal... find a cheap rage128 somewhere.

OK... I'll try it.
thx aak!
you are welcome :-)
happy VPCing ;-)

BeOS 5 is OK under VPC 3 (very buggy though)
under VPC 4+5 loading up is a pain in the behind
I use VPC to test Web sites (and for Morpheus, of course!). Today I read about shareware called Renicer that specifically addresses Connectix's problems with preemptive multitasking by changing the process priority of the frontmost app. This makes a NOTICEABLE improvement in VPC's performance.

Plus, it's only $6.95!!! A steal for the performance gain...

:D :D :D
downloaded it...
tried it...
loved it...
bought it.

performance gain on EVERYTHING.
no sh!t. this is sweet.
I knew how to nice things up via terminal, but it's no match for the way this program automates the whole process for whatever is in front.
VPC is still weak to where _I_ personally would like to see it run IMO, but it's better than it was before. (I run it w/ Win2K btw).

...and more importantly, I noticed a frame increase in Q3A! I need to do more testing, but I just did a quick Skirmish and averaged about 5 - 10 fps higher than before.

heh... priorities, you know. :P
There's a whole thing about Connectix's excuses for why VPC5 is so slow at Macwindows. You have to scroll down a way (it was posted there a day or 2 ago), but it has direct quotes from bods at Connectix and Apple who are apparently working on ways to incorporate VPC support in the kernel itself.
That's certainly a glimmer of hope!
However, even with kernal access you have to emulate the X86 instruction set. This, and a lack of accelerated video support will make VPC (for me) not much more than a tool for checking cross-platform issues.
We shall see!

Thanks for the info!
In the end i think alot of macusers want to emulate counterstrike..LOL!\

I trashed VPC cause I have no use for it, windows is just too boring to use.
What OS do you use under Virtual PC? I'm installing it (to play rollercoaster tycoon) and i just wonder what the best OS is? 95, 98, ME, 2000?

I was also considering to but virtual PC to play games like Max Payne and the sims for IBM

I want to know about speed and compatibility.


dual 800Mhz G4
798 megabytes ram
nvidia geforce 3 w/64 megs
17" apple studio display

I recently bought this system and I love it!!!!

anyway could someone with experience tell how good it would run on my comp and how compatible it would be. I want to switch over completely to mac because I'm using my IBM aptiva for games and my mac for other stuff, but I want to make the switch now. I'm doing this because before I was using an apple 8600 and I didn't know what I was missing!!!!