Virtual PC w/ XP and Cellphone software


has a mac beyond repair
Ok so I finally realized that if I want to have anything to do with my Motorola V300 cellphone until T-Mobile releases the V600 or whatever, I need to unlock it (it's 100% legal mind you whippersnappers!) and use a USB data cable with some PC/Windows Here we go:

1. After getting Windows XP up in VPC, I realize the speed will suck. But thats ok. Will I be able to run tiny little apps no greater than say windows calculator? (see signature for powerbook specs)

2. USB connectivity? Will I be able to hook up my phone via this usb cable? Does VPC have USB abilties? I have the drivers for the phone on a Motorola CD.

3. How reliable is VPC? Thanks.
1. Yes. It won't run spectacularly and take an eon and a half to boot up XP in VPC, but it'll run.

2. Yes.

3. Pretty reliable. Hardly crashes on me, but "appears" to crash since some things take an eon and a half to complete.