Virtual VRAM?


Too handsome to use a PC
So here I go. I own an iBook G3 with just 8 MB VRAM. Computer's CPU and memory are fine, but this amount of VRAM is often quite a drawback for Mac OS X.2 aqua interface and for some games.

Windows XP (sorry! I mentioned the word Windows, I hope no one gets offended :D ), well I say, Windows XP can assign Physical DRAM to Video Memory (VRAM). Is there a way to do so under Mac OS X? A program perhaps?

Thank you everybody for your help.

Signs: a lost Spanish folk somewhere in the Internet. :confused:
Most modern OSes do this automatically, there's no way for a user to manually specify how much system RAM to commit. When VRAM gets used up, the OS will borrow system RAM, and worst case is it'll use hard disk swap memory.

If your iBook has an AGP bus, then it'll access system RAM quicker than video chips based on the PCI bus. AGP has a direct path to system RAM, whereas the PCI bus has to go through the north bridge chipset first to access system RAM.