Virus protection? Come On!

Have you ever gotten a virus on your mac?

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I'll second Gibbs observations and questions about V7.1Virex. I hope that for the money for .Mac that Apple's software engineers have designed a better front end interface for it. I have it installed in my home machine and preferr it to Norton as I don't trust Nortorn under OS 10.x as of yet. A subroutine to automatically check downloads interactively is sorely needed. A better and easier way to update is also needed. It would be nice if Symantecs or Network Ass. or who ever owns this, this week would sell single user licenses. My company has a license for this.

Btw, I have detected one virus on my Mac in four years of use. It was a suspect 97 byte download that I checked by dropping on the Virex Icon.
I once got the nvira virus by copying some files off of my 540c. I didn't even know it though, because it doesn't work in OS 9 or X.

I think that Apple should just offer .mac in two or three configurations: one with all of the features from iTools (or maybe just e-mail and 20MB iDisk) for free, and one with all of the .mac features for $100.
I dont think the experienced mac user has to worry about virri all that much. Most of us know what we are opening as it is. The PC world however now thats another story when it comes to the threat of virri.
As far as threats go towards OSX however it is susceptible to being hacked. Id bet more people have been hacked then have been infeceted with a virus.
I am wondering how many of you out there have had the misfortune of having your mac hacked?

G4 2X 533 , 1.1gb ram, 60gb hd, 21'sony trinitron
There are 4655 known Macintosh virii.
Quite a lot of those are M$ Office related macro-virii.
Most, actually.
But quite a lot of virii that could damage a classic system exist.
When it comes to Mac OS X, we have to take worms more seriously; any one of us that have activated Apache, for example.
Remember Nimda? There's Mac version. Allthough I've been lucky enough not to have seen it. (The PC network where I work got hosed with Nimda.E, though.)

Autostart 8905 was the 'QuickTime-virus', by the way.

But, compared to Wintel users, we are indeed blessed...!

I've been running PCs since 1990, and have only gotten one virus, in 1995. I never run virus software either. With few exceptions, it's common sense.
Originally posted by toast
Then I suppose you received very little e-mail and installed very little software.


I receive tons of email. This is what I use for email. Just TRY and send me a virus.
I actually did get *one* virus that was for Mac. This was the real one... Anyone remember WDEF? I was nine years old and I got rid of it by rebuilding my desktop. :rolleyes:

We don't need no stinkin' virus protection.
Originally posted by hazmat

I receive tons of email. This is what I use for email. Just TRY and send me a virus.

Well, I'm not trying at any time to send you a virus… I know the power of UNIX.
However, I am very much surprised somebody with a Mac, which are reputed for their GUI elegance, can resign himself to use such an UGLY email client.

Not to offense you, of course. I just find it shocking to use a DOS-like thing (as far as appearance is concerned) on an Aqua OSX machine. Don't you find it a waste too ?
Originally posted by toast

Well, I'm not trying at any time to send you a virus… I know the power of UNIX.
However, I am very much surprised somebody with a Mac, which are reputed for their GUI elegance, can resign himself to use such an UGLY email client.

Not to offense you, of course. I just find it shocking to use a DOS-like thing (as far as appearance is concerned) on an Aqua OSX machine. Don't you find it a waste too ?

No offense taken, other than comparing Unix to DOS. :) I might be able to agree with you when talking about a web browser, but email is text, that's it. I need no more than mutt. It is the most powerful and flexible mailer I have ever used. With the exception of displaying inline image attachments, any GUI mailer I have ever seen will most likely never be able to do most of mutt's better functions. I couldn't ask for a better mailer. The only thing I will use Apple Mail (or whatever GUI mailer is easily available to me) for is to bounce messages with image attachments in them. And ugly is purely your opinion. There is almost nothing else I need that mutt doesn't do, so to me it's beautiful.
And ugly is purely your opinion. There is almost nothing else I need that mutt doesn't do, so to me it's beautiful.

So we are this different… :D
What planet are you living on ? :D :D
You're far from Earth then… ;)

"And your dreams shall come true"
— Somone who wasn't programminh for UNIX :D
Originally posted by ricky
I actually did get *one* virus that was for Mac. This was the real one... Anyone remember WDEF? I was nine years old and I got rid of it by rebuilding my desktop. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I remember that one. Last virus I personally encountered was either that or nVir, don't remember which. Back in '91, I think. There was also SCORES, and init29, or something like that... we had a thriving virus scene for a while there. We don't these days, but it's only a matter of time and the size of the user base before we do again.

And remember: we Mac users are more susceptible to a virus than our WinDOS using 'friends.' Why? Glad you asked. Because we're sure we're immune. A new virus is reported: they cower, we snicker. Our shiny new OS may be a lot more secure than any flavor of WinDOS, but it's no longer utterly unhackable. As time goes by, and Mac OS X gains a higher profile, more and more Macs will be infected, rooted or both. A false sense of security will only help the bad guys.

Let's all do our part to keep the cyber-carnage on the PC side, where it belongs.
Heh...i guess im one of the few.

I was uploaded a virii during a game of Starcraft over BNET, the virii was the "Doom Virus", and it wiped every driver off my comp, and i paid 300 bucks for harddrive recovery, not fun.
I was running no anti virus, though the techie said that it would not have mattered much as the virus would have bypassed Norton.

Anyways, i have not got a virus in a long time, and when i got this one i was running 8.6, though i think that OSX is a little more broad in scope, so therefore possibly a tiny bit more likely to get a virus.

Dunno though, im most liekly wrong.
Originally posted by 8thDegreeSavage
I was uploaded a virii during a game of Starcraft over BNET, the virii was the "Doom Virus", and it wiped every driver off my comp, and i paid 300 bucks for harddrive recovery, not fun.

I've never heard of that one. But then again, I'm not really a gamer (recently got addicted to Quake 3 via HalfLife at the office though). I understand the part about uploads during net gaming, but how did it get executed/launched? I realize it sounds like I'm speaking more of a trojan than a virus, but doesn't viral code have to be executed at some level before it can actually infect?

That's one of the main things that makes WinDOS so virus prone, that apps like Outlook (and, a few years ago, IE as well) will automatically run everything in it's line of sight. I would think that so as long as no part of the Mac OS will auto-run anything from the outside world, the only way to infect us is via social engineering. (But since we're supposedly smarter...)
10 viruses per week xaq!?
I think I never even recived a virus in my mail before! I have never got infected any way either...
not anymore, now its more like once a week, but when the klez virus came out I got a ton of emails with that.