Vista PC and Mac 10.4 share Internet.


I got a imac for my niece, but it lacked an airport card. Right across the hall is a Vista PC with a wifi card and a free Ethernet port. I figure just like Windows, a few clicks and both would be on the Internet.

I checked the cord thinking that it was broken, my eeepc was able to connect to the network created by the vista machine. At least the cable works.

So how do I go about sharing the Internet with the imac, that does not include spending more money (I'm not against it, just thrifty). I already own a router, but it is across the house (I already checked the cable won't reach). I have looked into getting an airport card, but why would I buy something that now cost more than the computer.

The imac is older model, G3/500 (Summer 2001)
How is the ethernet port on the iMac set up? DHCP? Static IP? BootP?

You can check this via the "Network" pane of the "System Preferences".
I have done the other way around - connecting Mac to ethernet/internet and wirelessly sharing the internet with a PC. But in this case both have a wireless card. I think you are saying you would use ethernet to connect Mac to PC and the PC is then wireless to you router.

It would help if you gave us the version of the operating system.

We should look around on the internet some more.