I installed VMware Fusion yesterday and converted a Parallels WinXP image to a Fusion image. I was playing around with the software and then turned on 2 virtual processors. After that the virtual machine and the Mac got really slow and I got this weird message that one of the processor cores had been disabled and I had to reboot to get it working. So I turned off the virtual machine when I got the chance. I tried running it again but it gave me the same message. I then restarted the Mac. I am worried now. Is there a chance that Fusion may have damaged a processor core or something? I have been trying to look up this error but cannot find anything on it.
Also, I have been trying to find utilities to read the temperature on both cores but I can't find any. I got a widget called iStat Pro but that only says "CPU A" in the temperature part. Can anyone help me out by shedding some light on this? How can I confirm that the core is not damaged or anything? In System Profiler it still says:
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
I would appreciate the help.
Thank you all.
I installed VMware Fusion yesterday and converted a Parallels WinXP image to a Fusion image. I was playing around with the software and then turned on 2 virtual processors. After that the virtual machine and the Mac got really slow and I got this weird message that one of the processor cores had been disabled and I had to reboot to get it working. So I turned off the virtual machine when I got the chance. I tried running it again but it gave me the same message. I then restarted the Mac. I am worried now. Is there a chance that Fusion may have damaged a processor core or something? I have been trying to look up this error but cannot find anything on it.
Also, I have been trying to find utilities to read the temperature on both cores but I can't find any. I got a widget called iStat Pro but that only says "CPU A" in the temperature part. Can anyone help me out by shedding some light on this? How can I confirm that the core is not damaged or anything? In System Profiler it still says:
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
I would appreciate the help.
Thank you all.