VMWare Fusion / Parallels Server - OSX host machines?


Ok, so I read that VMware and Parallels are building into their future versions that Apple OSX 10.5 Leopard and Server will be able to run in a host / vm environment.

Is this possible now? Has anyone done it yet with the current versions?
I have tried selecting every type of VM available in both parallels server beta and vmware fusion 1.1.2, nothing seems to work, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I have a fully legitimate license for both server and client, I want to build a test network for the purposes of training/certifications.

How do I get this to work properly? both VMware and Parallels say their builds work with leopard client and server.

Thanks for your help,
I think you will have to wait until Parallels or VMWare releases a version that can run OS X as a guest OS.
Parallels showed a test version at the first of the year, but has not been officially announced yet.
I suspect there may be licensing issues, as Apple doesn't want OS X installed on non-Apple hardware - which AFAIK includes a virtualized environment
Fusion showed it in a recent VMworld or some similar happening, running Mac OS X Server virtualized on a Mac OS X Server. Technically it can be done; practically it will need Apple allowing it specifically run in virtualized environment with either program. Once that will be done, you will be able to get much more out of your Intel Xserves...

How did you set up the VM in Fusion by the way? Other, other or FreeBSD or which OS type? Did the Tools install properly?
Thanks for your comments, but actually thats the thing, I never got it to work. It won't even boot from the install dvd. I've selected Other / Other, linux, other.. nothing seems to work properly with the same config across the board.

I just found out that Parallels has a clause in the agreement that doesn't let you run in beta to the public the osx installations. They are beta testing internally with the proper "enabled" feature on apple software. BUMMER!

whatever they have released to the public, there must be a script or batch of code they commented out that won't read the install media.

HOWEVER.. if there was a way to already have a VM with Server pre-config'd to just get to the desktop, I'd be laughing! So, my next steps are to see if I can transport a physical server installation from a partition on my iMac to a VM file. Either parallels or vmware. Once that is done, I should be able to import that VM into either the server console, or desktop version, or fusion.

Any thoughts?