Voiceover And Braille Frustration With Yosemite & Ios 8


Chmod 760
Staff member
Iʻve becoming increasingly frustrated with OS X and iOS because of my own learning needs now... something new huh?

Iʻve started to use VoiceOver on all my digital devices (MacBook Air with Yosemite; iPad mini 2nd gen with iOS 8; iPhone 5 with iOS; old iPod Touch with system and VoiceOver in Italian), AND on the same time Iʻve learned basic braille (US level 1 braille = international braille with Latin alphabet).

So why is this frustrating you ask? Oh, donʻt get me started...

Typing is pain.
Syncing everything or anything is a pain.
Learning to use Braille without a physical Perkins keyboard feels like a really bad case of dyslexia. Iʻve got BrailleTouch on iPhone, and it works great, and Iʻll probably need to get also MBraille for iPad.
But now... letʻs see...

What kind of simple, affordable, small keyboard would work for me? USB would be great. Iʻd like to program some keys to work as braille input (I donʻt need a screenreader, and I donʻt want a Bluetooth-device), and maybe to switch between different things (different language Braille systems; maths symbols, music symbols, punctuation... generally: learning a lot about everything in Braille, AND learning to write it fast too).

Someone I know has Xkeys XK-24 (for different accessibility needs) and that seems to work for that friend - now would anyone use that as a Braille input?

Also Iʻd love to find a way to get some keyboard shortcut or typing methods that would work with OS X.
Like, use sdf (dots 321) and jkl (dots 456) or some similar combination. Is there a way to do that?

And by the way, hi to all the VoiceOver and Braille users out there :)
Iʻm only in the beginning, but itʻll be a long road for my studies...
There are quite a few of those keyboards, but Iʻll need to try them in person first - and those in pictures usually cost a lot (like $5.500 is not unusual - I canʻt afford anything of that price range, and prices or features arenʻt shown for the models listed).

Braille keys stickers arenʻt really useful for me - I know how to read and write, but I need to practice with typing (and writing).

As a standard braille character is composed of 6 dots, for instance to type l (a small letter L that is), itʻd be 123, so if my regular keyboard used that, Iʻd hit the keys sdf on the same time if my cell keys were s d f = 3 2 1 and j k l = 4 5 6.
Then of course a regular keyboard might take some time learning to listen to [s d f] as just letter l.
If I can teach some keys to act as the cells, then I can simply use or label those - but as I prefer a silicone mat on the keyboard, the raised dots would be a bit difficult to arrange. F and J have a raised line though, thatʻs good enough.

A Perkins regular (paper) keyboard would be a lot more affordable; those in second hand but working condition are usually only around $400.

Applevis.com has also a lot of users, so Iʻm trying to find kind of everywhere if someone has already set up something similar :)
FWIW, This came out today on TidBits (Yes, they're still publishing weekly after all these years)
EDIT! 1000 word max. I'll cut in half and try again.

Computing for the Visually Impaired, Part 1
by Mariva H. Aviram: <mail@mariva.com>
article link: <http://tidbits.com/e/15330>

If you have fully functioning eyes, conduct a thought experiment on
how you would navigate your life without them. How would you earn a
living, keep up your home, maintain personal hygiene, take care of
your loved ones, and transport yourself from one place to another?

Now reduce the experiment to just one significant area of your life:
digital data. How would you communicate with people, access your
personal information, pay your bills, track your finances, and
submit your work? Even for those of us whose jobs don’t involve
computers — which is increasingly rare — much of our lives involves
electronic screens and digital data. For “knowledge workers,”
computers are integrated into the things most important to them:
work, identity, creativity, and connection.

**Viral Conjunctivitis and My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad
Weeks** -- In the spring of 2014, my left eye began exhibiting the
symptoms of a particularly severe case of viral conjunctivitis.
Within the space of 36 hours, the area around my eye swelled to the
size of a golf ball. After at least 12 hours, when I was finally
able to crack open my eyelids, the garish rainbow colors of my
lumpy, swollen conjunctiva (the clear membrane above the sclera —
the white part of the eyes) shocked me and both the acute pain and
my unremittingly blurred vision frightened me.


(For more details of the Lovecraftian horror of this particular
experience, search for “epiphora,” which was voluminous, and for
“purulent exudate” (you do _not_ want to browse through Google
Images results for those searches). Thankfully, I was fortunate
enough not to have grown new membranes over my conjunctiva, which is
apparently symptomatic of even worse cases than mine.)

During the first few days of physical and emotional trauma, I was
consumed by anxiety over my growing pile of undone tasks and chores,
and then by the sheer boredom of attempting to occupy my mind while
my eyes remained closed. Even setting up a series of podcasts to
listen to would have overtaxed my good eye. After a week or so, I
faced the daunting challenge of figuring out how to use a computer —
or any screen. I had never fully appreciated how crucial, yet
fragile, eyes are.

To deal with my sundry visual frustrations, I made as many
adjustments as possible. For example, I stopped wearing my
prescription eyeglasses. I found my uncorrected vision to be
workable when using an iPad, but much less so with the MacBook Pro.
My good eye had to compensate for my infirm eye, and so the good eye
ended up doing most of the work of both. However, keeping my bad eye
closed while my good eye darted around the screen rapidly led to

The iPad screen seemed too bright even at its dimmest setting and,
unlike with a traditional computer, there aren’t numerous screen
adjustment utilities. (After the fact, I found Dimmer, which
received mixed reviews, as well as several third-party Web browsers
with screen-dimming features.) Due to extreme photophobia, I wore
dark sunglasses while viewing the computer screen, even while it was
fully dimmed. To make matters worse, the polarized lenses created
additional visual interference.


**Statistics on Visual Impairments** -- One question arose in my mind:
How do people _do_ this? Surely I can’t be the only visually
impaired computer user who needs to get things done.

According to a 2012 CDC survey, outlined by the American Foundation
for the Blind, 20.6 million American adults reported experiencing
vision loss — which is close to 9 percent of all adults in the
United States; those with actual visual disabilities comprise about
6 million adults. This increases exponentially as people age.
Worldwide, 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired.
Since the use of digital screens is such an integral part of modern
life, these statistics are significant for tech developers and other
intensive computer users.


It’s important to realize that visual impairments, and sensory
deficiencies in general, can differ greatly from one person to
another — and even from one eye to the other for the same person.
From a product development perspective, it’s difficult to design
adequate interfaces to accommodate different needs, especially since
each user requires unique solutions and adaptations.

My own impairment, which left me with only one good eye — which was
also hampered by photophobia and eyestrain — presented one set of
challenges. Here are three other cases to consider.

**Optic Nerve Damage from Meningitis** -- My brother, a senior
software engineer, suffered damage to the optic nerves in both of
his eyes from a bout of meningitis twenty years ago. As a result, he
has blind areas that are different in each eye. These blind areas
are not totally impervious to visual input, but his visual acuity in
those areas is inadequate to read or recognize sharp outlines —
except in one small center of vision in one eye, which he relies on
to read, find a mouse pointer, and perform other tasks involving
fine visual details. Upon recommendation by the Vision
Rehabilitation Center at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, he
sets backlit screens to a very high level of brightness to ease
reading and discerning fine detail.


In order to fit a readable amount of text into the one precious area
of clarity within my brother’s eye, the type must appear as small
and sharp as possible. (To this end, a “reducing glass” — as opposed
to the commonly used magnifying glass — would be ideal.) For larger
images, he relies on peripheral vision. This inconsistency makes
annotated images such as diagrams particularly troublesome.

With these competing limitations, he encounters numerous
frustrations with computer screens. If, due to time constraints
(such as while giving a presentation), he cannot increase the
pointer size, he simply mouses to the upper left corner in order to
find the pointer, repeating this every time he “loses” the pointer.
Moving his eyes away from an area of focus and back is especially
disruptive because of the difficulty in finding his original place.
Another big time-waster is searching through a Web form to find a
field or the submit button. Keyboard shortcuts often circumvent
these problems and, as an added benefit, streamline procedures.

Some arcane problems present themselves only during unusual
circumstances. For example, the mouse trails feature in Windows can
be useful, but only when working in Windows natively. When running
Windows in VMware Fusion, the refresh rate is too slow, which
renders the mouse trails in disorienting and distracting ways, with
the mouse cursor seeming to flash within an area without its usually
beneficial precise pointing.

Finally, solving one problem — such as inverting colors to ease the
reading of text — sometimes creates another, such as also inverting
colored images, which makes people appear as “ghouls and ghosts,”
gives desktop wallpapers unpleasant hues, and makes many diagrams
unreadable. Or, the mouse pointer, when increased in size, covers
text and icons just when they need to be most visible. You can
imagine the frustration.
**Dry Macular Degeneration Causing Excessive Sensitivity** -- In
contrast to my brother, who requires bright displays to see his
work, I have a friend who is very sensitive to the brightness and
contrast of LCD screens due to suffering from the early stages of
dry macular degeneration. When he views a monitor straight on, he
describes looking up at it “through his eyebrows” — meaning that he
uses his eyelids to cover the pupil partially in order to create a
pinhole-view effect. He blocks out much of the screen, focuses on
just a line or two of text, and then looks down again.


His solution to the excessive brightness is to dim his screens with
the free utility Shades, which competently manages multiple
monitors. He also views monitors from above, which throws less light
into his eyes. Nevertheless, he still experiences some artifacting,
which can be distracting, particularly with a Twitter or mail client
that has subtle background colors to indicate message status, Web
page text with blue links that seem to cast a yellow haze around
everything else on the page, and light text on a dark background
that produces ghosted images of lines.


With regard to vision, my friend talks about making hard choices:
not just with what he’s going to do, but with what he pays attention
to — and even when he opens his eyes and for how long. “You have to
_choose_ what you’re going to look at,” he says.

**Living in a Colorless World** -- Another acquaintance, a former
software engineer whom I’ll call “Roy” (with a background in, of all
things, information visualization and graphical display of complex
data), is severely colorblind due to a rare eye disease called
_incomplete achromatopsia_, or _dyschromatopsia_. In dim-to-medium
indoor lighting, he sees only in grayscale. With increasing
illumination, he can discern colors from the red to the blue end of
the color spectrum. But as illumination increases, details become
harder to see. He can’t discern washed-out or pastel colors under
any conditions, and he claims that he “fails every standard test of
color vision miserably.”


Roy has poor visual acuity — he is legally blind in typical
illumination conditions — even with his prescription eyeglasses. In
addition, he suffers extreme sensitivity to light, which renders him
nearly blind in sunlight if he’s not wearing specialty dark glasses
with side shields. He also wears a hat or visor to block stray light
from above. All of these symptoms and experiences are typical of
incomplete achromatopsia.

(AchromaCorp is currently the only organization that specifically
raises funds to develop treatments and cures for achromatopsia. For
the cautiously optimistic, medical research group AGTC may begin
conducting human trials within two years for a workable gene therapy
to treat achromatopsia and other eye diseases.)


With regard to computer use, like many low-vision users, Roy makes
do with what he has. His primary operating system is Windows XP. He
sets the style to Windows Classic, because the blue-and-green Luna
visual style is “too visually cluttered and confusing.”

The bane of many a Windows user’s experience is Microsoft Outlook,
and that’s no different for Roy, especially after Microsoft changed
one of its key design features of Outlook. In previous versions,
unread email appeared bolded. The color scheme now distinguishes
read from unread mail with what appears to him to be “slightly
different shades of gray, and in the same font, size, and boldness,”
making it far more difficult for him to differentiate between types
of messages.

Similarly, with the Outlook calendar, the color that distinguishes
the Today box is almost the same brightness as the color of the
appointment rectangles, which makes them difficult to distinguish
for those suffering from color blindness.

Roy observes an increasing use of color coding to convey information
that had formerly been conveyed via simple text or other graphical
conventions. His coping strategy is to spend more time trying to
discern what are to him the subtle differences in visual cues.

One positive recent trend in graphic design, however, is the
“flattening” of icons, buttons, and other elements — a look-and-feel
change that’s pronounced in iOS 8 and OS X 10.10 Yosemite — because
it allows more of the screen real estate to be used for clearer
images and larger text rather than for nonfunctional elements, such
as 3D border shading or color gradations.


When viewing Web sites Roy simply enlarges the browser text as
needed. Some Web sites, however, choose color schemes that render
sites inaccessible for colorblind users. (Terrible palettes include
blue text on a green background, yellow text on a blue background,
red text on a black background, and any text on a busily patterned
background.) If Roy needs to read such a Web site, he must highlight
the text to do so.

Because of his light sensitivity, Roy reduces the backlight
brightness to the lowest setting, but sets the contrast high. This
is a paradox, though, because higher contrast also increases
brightness, so it’s a compromise. He also sets the screen to a low
resolution of 1024 by 768, which enlarges text to make it readable
for him.

Roy doesn’t have a particular font preference, but text size is
important. For composition, he sets the font size to around 20-point
type (Arial), which is on the low end of ease of use for him. For
reading long documents, such as ebooks, he sets the font size to
approximately 36-point type or more.

When I first discussed this topic with him, Roy summed up the
problematic recent design trends thus: “Computing is getting harder
for people like me because users are expected to do ever more with
ever smaller screens.”

Avoiding small screens altogether is becoming less of an option.
These devices — which rely on minuscule font sizes; small, highly
detailed icons, color coding; and visual clutter — are increasingly
displacing traditional, more accessible media (print maps, business
cards, landline phones), leaving those with poor visual acuity at a
disadvantage. Even apps that enable zooming and scrolling are clumsy
and time-consuming.

“These products aren’t designed by or for elders or for those with
any kind of visual impairment, such as color defects or ambient
light interference,” he laments. As a result, he doesn’t own a
mobile phone.

Also, disabled people suffer much higher rates of crime
victimization than the able-bodied (and the able-visioned). Roy
feels particularly vulnerable to street crime because of his low
vision and the dark glasses that block his peripheral vision. The
proliferation of expensive mobile devices has exacerbated theft and
related crimes in high-density areas, disproportionately harming
people with low vision and other disabilities.


**Preparing for Visual Impairment** -- I figured that there must be
some help for people like me, and there is, to some extent. In
hindsight, of course, the best time to have learned about such
options was _before_ I found myself disabled.

Preparing for the loss of vision is like disaster preparedness; most
people don’t want to think about it. You hope that you’re never in
such a situation, but if you are, you’re glad that you did at least
some preliminary work to prepare. Familiarity with Accessibility
preferences and third-party utilities is akin to installing quality,
regularly inspected fire extinguishers and smoke detectors around
your home.

While coping with my own affliction, I was inspired to learn more
about other people’s experiences with visual impairment as well as
about remedies and assistive technologies for people like us. In the
next installment of this series, I’ll explore a variety of eye
problems and share the advice of vision care experts.

read/post comments: <http://tidbits.com/e/15330#comments>
tweet this article: <http://tidbits.com/t/15330>
Hey, cool reads & links. :)

VO (VoiceOver) needs a lot of use and toggling on/off to get it to work, and to learn it optimally.

On iOS, I have now all the Braille keyboards the iOS itself providers working at least on a basic spelling level (which is where my Braille is - level 1, heading to UEB).

So hereʻs a few links on where Iʻm exploring & documenting it (as both have a higher rate of braille users)


I got it finally working; first get used to VoiceOver, then in the Rotary options youʻll find either Input method or Braille or in which case just keep switching thru options. Itʻll give you tabletop mode, handheld or vertical or I forgot which others... essentially youʻll have 123 and 456 on the sides, OR 3 2 1 and 4 5 6 as youʻd get them on Perkins. You can always recalibrate them positioning your fingers on 1-6 on screen, and also if the dots move too far while typing, switch between the two Perkins modes by having the device either on desktop or paper mode (vertical or horizontal does the trick easiest).

So you can get your hands comfortably where ever you want for typing, and the dots will move with you. I recommend headphones if you have to type a lot.

There was also an option in the same place in Rotary for recognizing handwriting. So you can use your fingers to draw regular letters. Another great feature for those whoʻll find typing otherwise difficult. I havenʻt really seen that since Newtons.

iPad Mini, iOS 8, VoiceOver, Braille


Keep calibrating it (touch all 6 dots together; sometimes all right hand fingers, then immediately left hand fingers).

Keep moving and calibrating it. Because using it will slowly move the dots at least in the beginning.

If you type a lot, use headphones. And try all different modes

* landscape
* tabletop mode
* screen away mode
* portrait mode

In tabletop (Perkins)
Space = swipe to right
Delete = swipe to left
Row change - ????? (in any mode: havenʻt found yet)

Also VO on/off as the accessibility shortcut helps a lot in figuring where and how to type.
When you get the typing feedback letter by letter, itʻs easier to type the words or sentences. And itʻll be easy to start to practice UEB (and the other two forms of contracted Braille listed; US English, UK English).