Vote for Mac OS X!

Thanks for posting this. I'll vote at home and work!!! Go OS X!

BTW, I'm my works linux guy in our department and I still prefer OS X!
Originally posted by Jet
whoot we ar #2! (lets go for 1st)

exactly! Please, if you havent voted, vote! (for mac anyways). Vote as on as many different computers as possible!;) :p
Apple will be happy to see this. at my time of voting apple was coming second with 30%

1st was - One that comes with Windows if thats how i get the best price -- i'll install Linux myself. With a fraction more - 32%

the others were at 15%

while "One that runs windows only Linux is for servers, not laptops was running at 6%

total votes so far - 8250 +

its really good to see windows at that percentage. haaaaaa....
Still the same result... Anyone who hasn't voted yet? Or, if you have other computers with different IPs, vote again? :p
2719 to 2653. We're still in second.

I don't see how apple would be any more happy about this than it would be about a poll on slashdot.

How skewed is this by OS X zelouts that are voting just because it mentioned a Mac?

Just for the record. Yes I did vote :D
Originally posted by fryke
...if you have other computers with different IPs, vote again? :p

Sure! Why not;)

Hot damn! its almost tied! 2718 to 2724! Nice work everyone:D Keep it up!
windows isn't second actually, a windows computer with Linux as future OS is second. Windows has 6%! :D
You can vote again and again...

At least I voted only once!


Only once with each of my browsers that is! :p

:D ;)


My browsers = FireBird/Phoenix, Mozilla, Safari and OmniWeb :cool:
Did anybody else notice that the "laptop bought with windows" actualy LOST one vote between myself and Stridder44?