VPN authentication


...our company has given me access on our VPN, I use DigiTunnel at first but the demo version already expire:mad:
I have learn that MacOSX has native app to connect VPN through "Internet Connect" but the problem is our server was unable to authenticate my log-in! Im sure my password is correct.
...according to apple support if im not mistaken it has somethin to do w/ encryption. here is the link

do you know any workaround

Depends on what type of VPN you're using. Coz the one built into the Internet Connect App is only for that weird windoze VPN (PPTP). If you want anything with a semblance of security you should be using the KAME stack which is built into the kernel with OS X but doesn't have any GUI interface to it - that's where DigiTunnel picks up. You can configure it manually with setkey and racoon (check the man pages). You can do this with a PSK or certificates (in which case openssl becomes interesting.)


...sad to say I'm working with M$Winsuck's dominated company but what can I do... i have to earn a living
i have to connect on PPTP on M$Win VPN Server, I have my password right but it keeps "Authentication Failed" error when I connect using "Internet Connect".