VPN connection from OS X 10.3.9 to Windows XP SP1



I'm fairly new to VPN networking, and I am currently trying to get my iBook G3 to connect to my desktop PC via VPN. While I am on my home network, I just connect directly via Remote Desktop Connection. However, when I am away from my home network, I would like to be able to still have access to my PC. This is where VPN comes in.

My home network is connected to the internet behind a D-Link DSL-604+ router. I have it set to allow VPN Passthrough. My Windows PC has an Incoming Connection in Network Connections that is set to allow incoming VPN connections. I also have a free account with DynDNS to resolve a free domain name to my dynamic IP address. Using this domain name and my login and password for my Windows account, I should be able to login over VPN. However, I keep getting:

"The server does not respond. Please verify your server address and try again."

I've checked my server address, and double checked my login and password, and these are all correct. Is there anything that I am missing? How do I get the Mac OS X VPN client to play nicely with Windows XP?

I am working on the same thing for work except its a little different situations. There are a couple programs out there that are nice. I liked digiTunnel but it doesnt work for me because wrong protocol. This may be your problem. I dont know if PC is PPTP or IPSec. Is your PC running XP Professional. That could be a key issue if it is not. I also am not sure how to connect because at my work we have a Nortel box with its own IP Address. You should also check out IPSecuritas. This is the only advice i can give you. If i figure anythign out i will sure to inform you.


To answer a couple of your questions, my PC is running XP Pro, and I am using PPTP on both my PC and my Mac. I'm pretty sure that XP Pro can do both PPTP and LPTP/IPSec.
