waiting for Rita to come and go


I'm just kinda bored right now. I'm in Sugar Land which is SW of Houston. Looks like we'll miss the brunt of the hurricane which is a blessing. We'll still get 60 mph winds probably. The news is the same on every channel and radio station. I have water and food prepared for about 3-5 days. All the stores are closed and gas is out of many if not most gas stations. I don't have internet at my home (Time warner Road Runner) anymore - not since yesterday. They closed their center and shut down their servers. Why would they do that? Anyhow, another 21 hours ....
Know the feeling...I'm sitting here listening to the wind howl and the rain pour down in Baton Rouge. It's slightly less (so far) than what Katrina did for us, but still boring for a friday night. Everything is pretty much closed down. Of course the real 'fun' won't start until afterwards.

The Time Warner thing is a bit weird...Cox doesn't do that, or hasn't for either of the two storms so far. As far as I know their service survived Katrina pretty well...it was here when the power came back on and other who had power before me had their service (same day the storm hit). The usual cable-internet issues, but still there. Must be some kind of corporate plan or something on Time Warner's part.
Guys, my prayers are with you and many others. I pray that the damage is not extensive as the media is saying. Please stay safe.
thanks for your prayers. I hope people are okay in Lake Charles. They got the dirty side of the hurricane. Here, it's sunny and warm. Who would have known this was supposed to be hurricane weekend? I'm glad i'm not one of 2+ million people trying to drive back into Houston. Baton Rouge is okay right?
Yea, just a bunch of leaves/pine needles and some branches on the ground where I am (southeast side). Twice the power went out, but it was only for a few seconds to maybe a minute max. Some minor road flooding from backed-up creeks too.