Wallstreet OC experience anyone?


Mac addict since 1993
Has anyone here experimented with overclocking a Wallstreet II PowerBook? I am wondering about the results, how far you could push it and how much of a hassle it is (I know how to do it, I have looked at the page of that Japanese OC wiz) for someone with soldering experience (not SMD, though). Is the use of conductive paint to re"solder" the resistors an option?

I am planning to replace my Wallstreet with a 1GHz G4 PowerBook and I'd like to give my Wallstreet to my ex-girlfriend (yes, we're still on good terms!). Since she comes from the dark side (Wintel) I want her to get a good impression (speed wise) of the bright side (considering that my WS is 4 years old :p).