Warcraft 2, OS tells me CD not in drive


Of course, the game wouldn't start UNLESS it were in the computer... Hi all, I know this post is in essence a billion years old. But can someone help me out.

Tried to run WARCRAFT 2 on classic, on a 1GH Powerbook, running 10.4. Classic loads up, lets me install the game, but of course, in the extensions manager, there is NO CD-ROM extension. So my first question is, has anyone run warcraft 2 in classic using 10.4???

But I am not one to back down from problem-solving...

Fine. Probably need to run OS 9.2.

So I have in my possession an old iBook. G3, 500mhz, 500MB of ram, running OS 9.2.2. Little computer works nicely. (9.2 was really ground-breaking!!!) Loads Warcraft 2 quickly as well. BUT, gives me the same error message. I've been playing around with extensions forever. I upgraded this iBook's hardware and installed a DVD/CD-RW. Could that be causing a conflict? If so, how would that be addressed? The CD-rom works though...

I'm noticing on the desktop, there are two icons when the CD is inserted. One that says WARCRAFT 2 and another that says, AUDIO1. The AUDIO1 CD icon of course, has songs on it...

I really want to get this working for my little man. Anyone have any advice, I would most appreciate it. Thanks!!!
I did it once somehow, It worked great. I ran it through Classic on a Powermac G4 Quicksilver. Unfortunately I forgot how. THERE IS A SOLUTION THOUGH!!!

Good Luck!
Thanks so much for this help! I'm going to see if it works. My little man is right here... If it works, fantastical. If it doesn't, well, thanks anyway! :) Warcraft II forever!!!! :)
Haha, well I'm glad the forums helped! I personally think Warcraft II was the best release of Warcraft ever.

P.S. Be sure to let us know how it turns out!
All it took was the patch... Thank you so much for your help in this matter. I just played a few quick games with the little man. I can't thank you enough!