Warcraft III: improve graphics/speed?

um, im running warcraft III on a g3 450 imac and aside from when you have a battle more than about 20 units it runs fine.
everything is set to its lowest graphics settings though.
(running 10.2 with 196mb ram)
I bought WC3 along with the new iMac (700Mhz,768Mbyte RAM, GF2MX) and I was so dissapointed, when I first played it. I could barely believe it. Why had Apple equipped that machine with a GeForce 2MX which was doubtlessly junk already by that time? Why didn't I consider that deeply enough not to buy the iMac. I ran slow with all settings switched to the minimum. After rebooting to OS9 it went better, but it sucked to reboot all the time. I did not really get into the game because of that. :(

I never player a major game again, although I now consider the purchase of Sim City 4. Ironically, I see exactly the same problems coming along...
I've played it a bit on my iBook and it seems to run fine, no choppiness whatsoever. Considering that this is a < 1000 dollar computer, i'm impressed. It also runs decently on my G4 400 (an upgraded B&W), but then again I have 32 MB video cards in both of these computers.
I am thinking of upgrading my G4's video memory. It currently has 16 megs. I dont want to spend $400 for 128 megs. Would 64 megs of video memory make my WC3 run completely smooth on my G4? (Dual 500 Mhz, 384 ram) I had gone to CompUSA and observed a G4 running only 64 megs of video memory and it was as clear and as smooth as my friend's PC that has 128 megs of video memory. I asked him why. He said the driver's are different or something. So, technically, would I be safe upgrading to 64 megs given my specs?
I have a 400 Mhz G4 peice of junk, but it has 704mb of RAM and a Radeon 9000 Pro. WcIII runs semi-choppy no matter what i set my graphics settings at. Thats the weird thing, it runs the same in os 9 at minimum graphics and in os x at maximum... anyone have an explanation?

Side note: Anyone know of a good website explaning how to overclock a AGP G4 "Sawtooth"?:)