I was browsing the web on my 27 inch iMac just now. It was the only computer that was switched on. The rest of the network was idle.
So, one computer, just me and the internet. After about 20 minutes of playing on the web, I got a pop-up window appear. The one that warns that a disc has been removed incorrectly.
There was no CD in the slot, no SD card, no .dmg files open. The only external drive is the one used for Time Machine. That's still working fine and is not disconnected. The internal hard drive is in one volume and not partitioned. Still running 10.6.8
Any reason why the message should appear? Is it a sign of an internal failure that's heading my way?
So, one computer, just me and the internet. After about 20 minutes of playing on the web, I got a pop-up window appear. The one that warns that a disc has been removed incorrectly.
There was no CD in the slot, no SD card, no .dmg files open. The only external drive is the one used for Time Machine. That's still working fine and is not disconnected. The internal hard drive is in one volume and not partitioned. Still running 10.6.8
Any reason why the message should appear? Is it a sign of an internal failure that's heading my way?