Watching video without audio...



I recently have experienced trouble trying to watch online videos. QuickTime (.mov) correctly plays videos with sound, in the other hand Flash, Real-Player (.rm) or Windows Media (.wmv) videos are played with absolutely no audio. I first noticed problems trying to watch videos at CNN, so I tested different web-pages, like You-Tube, and alternative file formats, but no success. Later I tried to open the videos' URLs directly through the players, assuming that Safari was my problem... still no sound. I also frequently listen to iTunes, yet I quit the application before watching other media.

I am running:
- Mac OS X 10.4.7
- Safari 2.0.4 (419.3)
- iTunes 6.0.5 (20)
- QuickTime Player 7.1.2

I currently have (that I know of):
- Flip4Mac WMV 2
- Windows Media Player 9
- Real-Player 10.0.0 (331)
- DivX Player 1.0.3
- VLC Media Player 0.8.5
- Audacity 1.2.4

I checked my System Preferences, all players' volume sliders and mute check-boxes, and I have no idea on what is happening, so any suggestion will be very welcome.

Thanks in advance,

Andre W.
If you have a newer Mac or upgraded Mac then just launch GarageBand then quit it. If this doesn't fix it then mosey over to /Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI Setup and open that program then change "Audio Output" "Format" to 44100.0 Hz.

My trouble was solved by changing Audio Output from 96000.0 Hz to 44100.0 Hz !

For future references, and as a troubleshooting guide, here is what I did:

I created a new user -- System Preferences > (System) Accounts -- in order to test video and audio, and to compare the sound settings. The results where the same... no sound, and the settings matched my original user's current preferences. Back to my ol' user, I installed Mozilla Firefox, but it behaves just like Safari... no sound.

Then I checked my QuickTime settings (System Preferences > QuickTime > Advanced):
- Default Synthesizer: QuickTime Music Synthesizer;
- Transport Setup: Automatic;
- Enable kiosk mode: Checked;
- MIME Settings... never manually changed;
- Media keys... none.
As far as I know, there was nothing wrong and I left it unchanged, except that I unchecked kiosk mode (still no sound).

So I checked my Audio Output settings (Applications > Utilities > Audio MIDI Setup):
- (Audio Output) Format: 96000.0 Hz
Following suggestions given to me by Satcomer, I changed to 44100.0 Hz... and surprise... audio is back!

Thanks for your helpful tips,

Andre W.
Thanks to Satcomer as well. I just came here because of the exact same problem and found the answer in about a minute. Thanks also to!
I didn't even get to Apple to search, I have found Apple's web site search system to be difficult in the past so I tried here first.

Hi. I'm currently having similar issues with my Quicktime player. I have a MacBook Pro running OS 10.6.2. I use Flip 4 Mac with my Quicktime to play WMV files, and when played, I get video but no audio. My Audio MIDI settings are as above, and GarageBand didn't help.