Web Hosting Questions


Friends (Theed especially),
After learning how to host a web site, I am wondering how I can check to see how many people are visiting the site, how often they are visiting it, etc. Does the Apache software enable me to monitor my site?
Another question (not really related to OSX, sorry)...how can I set up my site so that people can find it through search engines? I've noticed an html tag "<meta>"...does this have anything to do with it? Thanks for the help.

<div align= "center"><font face= "Times New Roman, Helvetica" size= "3">cutman</font></div>
You can look in /private/var/log/httpd/access_log at Apache (web server) logs for access to the site.

For something a little more readable, grab hold of a log analyser like Analog or Webalizer both are GPL apps available almost anywhere. And will provide you with a simple HTML output and image graphs of the access to your site.

I tried to get Webalizer, but I didn't see a Mac version. I have no idea how to port/run Linux (or another OS) apps on OS X...is that what I am supposed to do? If I am supposed to port one of the files, which one should I download and how to I port it? Thanks.

umm I was going to compile up a copy and offer it as an install package.. but..

You need a heap of other libraries and crap to run it, or I could compile it static, but to do that I need a system library in OSX to support static compiles (libcrt) and unfortunately it don't.. so erm well I guess, you either have to go to all the trouble of installing all the libs and stuff yourself, or wait till someone better at compiling up things than me does it ;-)

Sorry , Andrew
Well, I downloaded Analog, but I have absolutely no idea how to use it. The instructions were pretty confusing, so I couldn't figure the program out (plus I know "0" about Unix).
I am hosting my own website using OS X's Apache (Library/Webserver/Documents)...can someone please tell me (give me instructions) on how to use Analog? Thanks.

I can't tell you how to use analog 100% it's been a while since I used it ;-)


open a terminal window, and run the app like such

./analog --help

it should list a heap of options.
(I'm assuming you've un-stuffed the download etc, and done a
cd /path/to/where/analog/was/expanded

where it requests the log file you use


it should run and create a heap of images and output html files into the currnet or specified directory.

hope that helps.