I cannot load my webcamera images to Your-Site.com, my web host. (I am using IMAGECASTER as my web-camera application.)
I am able to LOG IN, all right, per the log that ImageCaster contains. But, the actual path to the desired folder on my Your-Site hosted web site is not reachable, apparently.
As an example, I have set the upload path to "/www/Cam-imagecaster/imagecaster.jpg." My error on the ImageCaster log is "[2008-12-01 15:10:15 -0600] Delivery of 'imagecaster.jpg' failed. An unknown error occured." (The "Cam-imagecaster" is an open folder at the base part of my web page.)
-So, I am able to log on to my web host, but I have something set up incorrectly. I have not been able to get ImageCaster to load any images. (Other webcamera applications allow me to load just fine.)
If I use the BROWSE function (button) in ImageCaster, I get an error pop-up window that says "NSInternal.....Cannot load sheet window from PathChooserSheet.nib" (There are also words that effectively state that I'd be well advised to shut off the ImageCaster application, etc.)
This has been an on-going issue for me. Please assist.
Thank you!!
I am able to LOG IN, all right, per the log that ImageCaster contains. But, the actual path to the desired folder on my Your-Site hosted web site is not reachable, apparently.
As an example, I have set the upload path to "/www/Cam-imagecaster/imagecaster.jpg." My error on the ImageCaster log is "[2008-12-01 15:10:15 -0600] Delivery of 'imagecaster.jpg' failed. An unknown error occured." (The "Cam-imagecaster" is an open folder at the base part of my web page.)
-So, I am able to log on to my web host, but I have something set up incorrectly. I have not been able to get ImageCaster to load any images. (Other webcamera applications allow me to load just fine.)
If I use the BROWSE function (button) in ImageCaster, I get an error pop-up window that says "NSInternal.....Cannot load sheet window from PathChooserSheet.nib" (There are also words that effectively state that I'd be well advised to shut off the ImageCaster application, etc.)
This has been an on-going issue for me. Please assist.
Thank you!!