

I bought a Logitech Quickcam Pro 5000 so I can talk to my girlfriend back home while I study in Australia. I did some research and everything I read said that it could be used. I have the iChatUSB patch for it. The problem is that when I open iChat, it picks up the webcam, but won't allow us to talk. She's using a PC and AIM 6.0. We both have changed our firewall settings and opened the necessary ports. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Is it a problem with the camera I bought? I'm using a PowerBook G4 w/o the built in iSight and running the latest version of iChat. Any help would be great!

It could be that your girlfriend will have to go back to AIM version 5.9 for this to work.

Add this user name to your iChat buddy list - appleu3test01

This is an Apple test account. If you see the video and can hear the sound and see the little square with your picture, then there's nothing wrong on your setup.
Thanks for the help. I did what you said bobw, and everything seems to be working on my end. I just read last night where she has to have AIM 5.9, it can't be 6.0. So I think she's gonna uninstall aim and reinstall version 5.9. Thanks again for the help and if that doesn't work, I'll back on begging for more help.