Webcams and Mac?


Hi. I have been looking all over the web and have asked evey salesman but nobody can tell me what webcams I can use on Mac.

Obviously the iSight, Apples webcam but its crazy expensive.

I have tried using 'Macam' which works fine with the camera I have, the 'Logitech Quickcam Messenger Plus' but I need to make video calls.

Is there anyone that can help?

If you're talking about hardware, your best bet is ANY webcam with a FireWire interface.

On the subject of software, however, you're pretty much limited to Apple's iChat for video-conferencing with fellow AIM and iChat users. I hear things about yahoo messenger, but have never heard of it working... hopefully someone can prove me wrong...
I've received web cam on yahoo but never sent it to know if it works, as I have watched cam on Mercury for MSN and never sent images because I don't have a Cam ;(