Weird Arrow in Mail Sent messages...


Video Gamer/Collector
Anyone know what this arrow means in the Status column? I never saw it before now.

It's in the Sent Messages folder.

[Picture Removed from server. Message edited to reflect.]
Is that in Jaguar? I don't get these... I just get the arrows that show me whether I've replied to a message or whether I've forwarded one (but not in sent items).
Originally posted by Jasoco
Anyone know what this arrow means in the Status column? I never saw it before now.

It's in the Sent Messages folder.


It's a symbol meaning the message has been forwarded. In Mail help do a search on "symbol" and you will get to see a complete list of all the symbols Mail uses.

Originally posted by Jasoco
Well, if THAT'S the case, it's pretty darn wrong 'cause I never Forward anything.

Well, I can help you there...I just what that symbol means--or is supposed to mean.

Looks like it might be the theme you are using causing it to me...

Can you switch back to aqua just to see if the arrows go back to normal?

Nice theme tho. :)
It's not the Theme. The theme doesn't tough Mail's symbols. And it's already established it was Forward even though I've never used Forward before.