No problem. I actually figured out how to force this to happen, so I'm a little more clear on the details now...
For this example, I've got a remote volume called "Belgium" that I've forced to misbehave as you mentioned.
Here's what to do:
1. Make sure that the volume with the -1 suffix is no longer on the desktop. Eject it, drag it to the trash, whatever, to unmount that appearence of the volume.
2. Open terminal, and type 'mount' and hit enter. You should see output that looks similar to this:
/dev/disk0s9 on / (local)
devfs on /dev (local)
fdesc on /dev (union)
<volfs> on /.vol (read-only)
automount -fstab [240] on /Network/Servers (automounted)
automount -static [240] on /automount (automounted)
Make sure that your "-1" volume doesn't appear here.
For example, you do
not want to see a line that looks like this:
afp_0TT6CG0TShSm0TQ51j0Yb4rH-1 on /Volumes/Belgium-1 (nodev, nosuid, mounted by kenkl)
To unmount this volume I would enter "umount /Volumes/Belgium-1" and press enter (no quotes, of course). If you get a message that the volume is busy, close any applications that may be using files on the volume and try again.
If you still can't get it to unmount, you may have to restart to clear this. In any case do not proceed to the next step until you see no entries for "afp_" in the output of "mount".
3. Again, in terminal type "cd /Volumes" hit enter, then type "ls -l" and hit enter. You should see output that looks something like this:
iceman:/Volumes> ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 kenkl wheel 58 Dec 22 12:04 Belgium
Next, you need to check that the directory is (practically) empty. For our example, I would do this:
iceman:/Volumes> ls -la Belgium
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 kenkl wheel 58 Dec 22 12:04 .
drwxrwxrwt 3 root wheel 58 Dec 22 12:04 ..
-rw------- 1 kenkl wheel 11 Dec 22 12:04 .autodiskmounted
Of course, you'd substitute the name of your 'stuck' volume name in the "ls -la" command, but you should see similar output. If you see the contents of the network volume,
stop right now and go back to step 2 to make sure that the volume is not mounted.
4. Now, it's time to remove the 'stuck' directory:
iceman:/Volumes> rm -r Belgium
If you recieve a permission error, try this instead:
iceman:/Volumes> sudo rm -r Belgium
When prompted for your password, enter your password.
As before, replace "Belgium" with the actual name of your volume.
Once you've done this, you should be able to do "ls -l" again, and the directory should be gone.
5. In Finder, reconnect the Volume. It should now appear without the -1 suffix.
If your volume name has spaces in it, you will need to surround it with quotes in these examples. For instance, if I used a volume that was named 'Drop folder', the commands would look something like this:
iceman:/Volumes>ls -la "Drop Folder"
Hopefully, this will clear it up for you. As for book recommendations, I learned a lot from the O'Reilly books "Essential System Administration", "Linux in a Nutshell" and "Unix in a Nutshell". Also, of interest is the Solaris administration documentation. Obviously, MacOSX has some differences from Linux and Solaris, but for the basics used here, they are useful. Also, command references are available on the system using the man command. So, to learn more about "ls" you can have a look at "man ls". Most of the Unix commands have man entries, and are often very valuable in learning your way around the system.
Let us know if this helps...