Weird permissions between users...w e i r d


Well, here's what's going on:

I have two users on my Panther box. One is called "k3nt" and the other is called "person".

If the k3nt user goes and looks at person's home folder (/Users/person) he sees that darn near everything has a red "-" on it--which is expected. If person looks at the permissions for said folders he sees that they are set as:

Owner: person
Access: Read & Write
Group: person
Access: No Access
Others: No Access

This makes sense.

Now, if k3nt looks at folders in his own home directory they could look like this:

Owner: k3nt
Access: Read & Write
Group: k3nt
Access: No Access
Others: No Access

Which is the exact same thing but for the k3nt user for his own folders.

Now here's the w e i r d part:

When person looks at k3nt's folders' permissions, HE IS THE NEW OWNER...NOT K3NT! For example, the exact same folder as the example above (remember...a folder in k3nt's home) looks like this:

Owner: person
Access: Read & Write
Group: k3nt
Access: No Access
Others: No Access

What the heck is going on?!

The only odd thing is that the k3nt user's home is on another drive whose permissions are set the same way another other home folder's permissions would be:

Owner: k3nt
Access: Read & Write
Group: k3nt
Access: Read Only
Others: Read Only

I checked the permissions (as well as set them this way) at the UNIX command line with chmod and the same thing happens.

Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on?

default is to ignore the permissions on all volumes except / ... check the perms on the volume. This would come up with this kind of "Congratulations, you're the owner" behaviour to everyone who even looks at the folder.

Command is the most reliable way to see what permissions are set on a folder, but those aren't necessarily the permissions enforced. Also, does the Finder get into these folders consistent with the way you describe their permissions?
So the default is for what to ignore permissions on non-/ volumes? Finder ignores the perms? The subsystem ignores them?

I'm going to do a test or two from the command line and see if the perms are being ignored there.

Finder doesn't seem to be really consistant since I was able to create one folder that did lock other users out and some of the folders in my home volume are protected.

Well get this!

I thought to myself, well, maybe OS X isn't actually changing the permissions...after all, they don't seem to be working.

So I downloaded BatChmod and changed the ownership/perms on the folders that way and sure works!

Well, at least I found a solution.

FYI: and for a follow-up, I tried setting the ownership and perms via CLI using chown k3nt:k3nt foldername and then chmod 700 foldername (owner rwx, group none, others none) and that didn't work either! Only BatChmod worked!

Thanks for all your help!