Hi, about 1 and half month ago I aquired a brand new PB. The problem is that since it arrived it displays an annoying problem. Right after I turn it on some OSX elements don't display correctly, some menus from the top bar are transparent, finder box apperars wrongly mapped with some shaddows out of place.... another sign that something is wrong is the Trash Icon in the dock that keeps flickering whenever I move the mouse over the dock... Funny with all this is that when the computer "warms up" the problem seams to fade, not completely but significantly. I also have realised that when I change the power settings of the PB the problem becomes more evident or almost gone (Better energy Savings=More corrupted Mapping/Better Performance= Less Mapping errors).
Do you guys can suggest me any fix for this? Have you read anything like this? THKS for the Help!
Do you guys can suggest me any fix for this? Have you read anything like this? THKS for the Help!