"Welcome Safari User" - Apple.com

Originally posted by Giaguara
Post a screenshot please ... I want to see. [too lazy to open safari, i chimera..] :)

And I'm too lazy to convert the pdf to jpg and host it and link it here. Go figure.:p
nah, just upload it as a pdf .. i have the pdf plugin so i can see it in the browser as well.. :p
How did they do that ? They should post the source code somewhere so we can copy this and make our sites Mac-Safari-friendly. :)
Is it technically possible to make Mac-only sites? To exclude Windows users or at least IE users?

I know there are ways to identify the platform and browser ... but I wouldn't know how to let a site "react" to that ...
Originally posted by toast
How did they do that ? They should post the source code somewhere so we can copy this and make our sites Mac-Safari-friendly. :)

Source code?


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
			var SafariMessage = "<IMG SRC=\"/home/images/2003/01/safarititle01202003.gif\" WIDTH=\"670\" HEIGHT=\"80\" ALT=\"WELCOME SAFARI USERS. The new PowerBooks.\">"
			var NoSafariMessage = "<IMG SRC=\"/home/images/2003/01/powerbooktitle01202003.gif\" WIDTH=\"670\" HEIGHT=\"80\" ALT=\"The new PowerBooks.\">"
			if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1) {
			} else {

huh huh :)
That's not a bad idea, but Apple wouldn't be able to exclude Windows users on their site hehe...It would defeat the whole purpose of the switch campaign...

I couldn't do it, either....because I would lose all my readers on my weblog... :)

Still, though, it has potential hehe...

I am going to Apple.com to check this out. ;)
hey there is a plugin for *all browsers* to see pdfs. i forgot where i got it but you can get it from versiontracker. :)
Oh for goodness sake... it's not that exciting... :)


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Cat, REALLY, see THAT link in a browser that identifies itself as Windows! And then as one that identifies itself as anything else but windows... you WILL notice the difference!!!! :D
Toast yessssh i want one for Chimera users...

Maybe i'll do something to the page where is my tattoo ... so you'll see bigger or images if you browse with Chimera... :D
Sounds like eugenistic to me, can take dangerous...

Thanks anyway for the code, ksv. I was too lazy to get it meeself. :eek:
... blah. after this safari script suddenly got so popular in a few hours looks like i'll do something only as controtendency.. :-/