Welcome to Darwin!


I've seen that many people get this:

Welcome to Darwin! <-------------------- This
[hostname:~] your_username%

...when opening teminal

But, It doesn't show up on me!
How do I get it? :(:D
FYI, I have the same "problem". Probably because I made my own .chsrc file. When I ssh 0 I do see the motd.

If I wanted to see it I would probably cat the file from .cshrc. However, I don't really care for the message.
do you by any chance have a .hushlogin file in your home directory? That would eliminate all login messages and shoot you right to a prompt.
Did u check Shell under Terminal prefs? There is 2 options labeled "Use the default login shell for this user" and another names "Use this shell:". Shouldnt the first option be checked like in my setup which gives me:
Welcome to Darwin!
[localhost:~] jakpuma%
when I open Terminal.
There is nothing unusual here. You only get the MOTD (message of the day..Welcome to Darwin) if you connect via ssh or telnet. If you just open a terminal window in OS X you will not see this. It is a message for remote users only.

Originally posted by JakPuma
Did u check Shell under Terminal prefs? There is 2 options labeled "Use the default login shell for this user" and another names "Use this shell:". Shouldnt the first option be checked like in my setup which gives me:
Welcome to Darwin!
[localhost:~] jakpuma%
when I open Terminal.

You found it! That was the whole deal! :D
(But I'm not sure I'm going to use it because it's....a little anoying:p)