Well? Has anyone gotten their G5 yet?


I'm dying to know how good they are. I'm looking to get one early next year (provided my wife lets me). I'm sure she will. She's just about claimed ownership of my iBook.

You are going to buy it IF YOUR WIFE LETS YOU? What kind of a wimp are you!!!?

(Oh. Gotta go. The wife's calling.)

Doug ;)
Anyone gonna give me $2000? Maybe I could make a donation site and try to get it slashdotted :rolleyes:

(and Im sposed to be asleep as of now, because I've got school in 8 hours X_X)
My Dual G5 is scheduled for September 10th delivery. I'm pretty excited.

The CDW guys said that they were only getting 50 a day from Apple. He said that he thinks Apple underestimated the popularity of the dual high-end model. When I ordered the machine, over a month ago, they put me on a "long waiting list" of purchasers.

Not sure if any of that's true, but that's what the man said.
Yep... Me too... I'm in a waiting list here in Greece for my Dual G5 :( Now, they tell me not to expect it earlier than October :mad:
With the three choices they have provided, no wonder everyone wants a dual 2.0ghz. Why do they even have the 1.6ghz? At least with those specs. Why cripple it. Give it the same 400mhz memory. Give it 8GB of memory potential. Drop the price to around $1700.

Does the 1.6 have a different motherboard? I can't believe Apple would use two or three different motherboards. They could cut costs by going with just one motherboard for each of the three processors.

I want the dual G5 but I'm waiting at least 6 months hoping the price drops some. Maybe after the initial demand slows down, this will happen.
I'm hoping to get one (or two!) when I get my new company up and running. I'm excited, if we get the finance we'll be able to buy cool stuff. Of course it won't technically be mine but who cares. Yay.

What kind of company are you starting? I am curious, and also want to extend to you my congratulations. I am looking into going independent; taking the leap; making the switch to not having a boss (for all intents and purposes!)
Originally posted by jocknerd
With the three choices they have provided, no wonder everyone wants a dual 2.0ghz. Why do they even have the 1.6ghz? At least with those specs. Why cripple it. Give it the same 400mhz memory. Give it 8GB of memory potential. Drop the price to around $1700.

Does the 1.6 have a different motherboard? I can't believe Apple would use two or three different motherboards. They could cut costs by going with just one motherboard for each of the three processors.

This same thing happened whent he G4 came out. Remember the Yikes! motherboard?

The low end G5 has a not-as-good mother board as the middle and high end G5. It uses PC 2700 RAM while the other two models use PC 3200. I'd stay as far away from the 1.6GHz model as possible.
They didn't even have them in the stores yesterday... Someone at the one in Cambridge told me that they didn't expect them in until "later this week or first thing next week"
I'm a little miffed at Apples product release policy. I find it somewhat frustrating.

The Wintel world is much better in this regard. When they do a press release about a new product, that product is available to be purchased by the customer the DAY OF the release

Apple does a press release about a new product, in which they promise product availability "sometime before the end of dah dah dah dah dah date." Then, like in the case of the 17" PB's, this date gets pushed back. :confused: Frustrating to say the least.

I just went to try and "purchase" a G5. If I really did want to spend the cheese on one, I'd have to wait 5-7 weeks for the G5-2x2GHz, and 4-6 weeks for the G5 1.6GHz. Not cool, dude.:cool:
I think they wanted to get the word out first that they have the fastest computer in the world even tho it wasent ready. Apple knowing there no ready to ship, they still reveal they have a g5 so that more ppl hold out and wait instead of buying something else. They obviously didnt have the g5 ready to ship by this past confrence, but if the woudnt have announce it alot of people would have gotten mad not to mention the confrence would have suckedl lol. They know they can make you wait because where else are you going to get the fastest computer in the world? Bottom line its all going to be worth it in the end.
Originally posted by malexgreen
The Wintel world is much better in this regard. When they do a press release about a new product, that product is available to be purchased by the customer the DAY OF the release

I don't disagree that it's frustrating and should be improved, but I definitely don't think the Wintel world, in general, has anything on Apple in this area...

I'm constantly hearing "Announcing the new Intel (tm) Pentium (tm) 4 (tm) 3.06ghz processor! Available in limited quantities starting in 4 weeks!", where "limited" REALLY means limited... Only a handful of VARs and OEMs are able to pick up a very few processors, for months.

Software's about the same. "Next-gen Windows (tm), LONGHORN! Coming in late 2003...er, 2004...er, 2005...er, we'll let you know".

However, I do want my G5 faster than 5-7 weeks after Apple puts out a big to-do about "G5s now shipping!!"
Incidentally, that's what I was told as well - I called up today to get a model number for the Dual 2.0 ghz G5, and was told that they were backlogged by 5-7 weeks at the moment. Ordering a custom 2.0ghz dual G5 apparently takes it up to 7-9 weeks.