Well I thought I had PHP installed correctly?!?


It all started at 3......
Hello all,

I'm slowly starting to get my head around PHP but have recently hit a confusing problem. After many attempts I have managed to get PHP installed and am able to run PHP on my local server. However, I created a simple PHP mailform script this morning which will work correctly on my remote server but on my local server the confirmation message appears to say that the e-mail has been sent, but nothing arrives in my testing mailbox.

Is it possible that I may have something configured incorrectly when I made my PHP installation?

Many thanks,


Which sytem? 10.2, 10.3? The system's sendmail facility may not be correctly configured (I think this will be the case if you're using 10.2). Checkout http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2002/09/10/sendmail.html if you are running 10.2 (Jaguar). It was an infamous problem when Jaguar came out. Sendmail is the *nix facility for er... sending mail ;)

However, if you're using Panther, I am not entirely sure if sendmail hasn't been swapped for something else... somebody else would have to clarify.
Thanks for getting back to me. Yes I am using 10.2 Jaguar and from reading the link that you sent me it does seem that this is certainly the problem. The remedy seems to be quite complicated so I'll have look at it when I have a bit more time to really get it sorted.

Thanks a lot, you've been a great help.


I'm stepping in here, because I'd like to know how to set up sendmail.

Being the toweringly lazy git that I am, it's easier to hang around here than going on Safari [ah ahh! :D Get it? .. I'll get my coat, then :rolleyes:]

I know that sendmail is a bit of monster, so for those who reply with all the answers, be gentle...
you can set mail thru the php.ini to use any mailserver. Unless you really know what youre doing i dont suggest using the internal mac mailserver on the net. If youre on a network you can use an ip to an exchange or sendmail server, or you can use the smtp of your isp as well (prolly the easiest).
andehlu said:
you can set mail thru the php.ini to use any mailserver...

Now I like the sound of that!

Tell us more.

andehlu said:
Unless you really know what youre doing i dont suggest using the internal mac mailserver on the net...

Makes sense. Don't want to turn my mac into a spam host...