well read windows news sites?


Hi guys

I'm launching some software for Windows (as well as Mac) but I don't use PC at all...

Just hoping someone might be able to point me in the direction of some good Windows news sites (such as MacNN, MacMinute etc.) so I could send out some press releases...

Any help most gratefully received!


Thanks Viro and riccbhard!

I've now got our software on download.com, MacUpdate and Version Tracker.

Unfortunately Tucows have rejected my application because we have to include a warning for epileptics and people suffering from clinical depression (not that we have any proof that our software affects them adversely, but we are promoting in a highly litigious market!)

snapfiles rejected us too because pzizz "doesn't fit into their categories"! :(

Anyone got any other ideas please? We're getting quite well known in the Mac market and it's frustrating not to be able to tap into Windows users too.

Just because they use Windows it doesn't mean they shouldn't experience the benefits our software has to offer! ;)