Well, that does it. I'm outta here.


Do not read this sign.
This last theme change has done it. I'm gonna go look for a new forum to frequent. Is it safe to assume that whoever's designing these themes used to work for Microsoft? Well at least MS had the decency to copy a GOOD design instead of this horrible thing.

I guess if I find no better boards I'll check back periodically, but I sure hope this interface gets cleaned up.

It's worse than QuickTime 4 Player. (No! Not that!)

My new nomination for http://www.websitesthatsuck.com/

I did. It doesn't seem to work right, either because my browsers on all my computers suddenly don't work or something else. Anyway the old theme is pretty annoying too, but it is a little more tame, thank goodness.

I have checked the "Always use these colors"(override page-specified colors) in OmniWeb some months ago and I'm never going back.