Whaaaaaa I Need Help!!!


Official Mac User
Hi there!

I yesterday downloaded a "Mac OS X 10.1 Installer CD.sit" from somewhere on the net cause I wuzn't able to get that CD in a store yet. Now I got some problems wit this sit file:

1st: The sit file is 730 MB, how do I get this on a CD??? I've got an iMac DV SE 600 here in my room, and its got a CD burner built in. But I can only burn max 640 MB CDs....

2nd: What do I have to do to make the burned CD bootable? Or don't I need to boot from that CD to install the Mac OS X 10.1 update?

I already looked inside the sit file to see whether there is a DMG or IMG file packed in it, but it is just a plain copy of the installer CD.

Please don't tell me that I can't use this file to install Mac OS X 10.1 on my iMac!!!! :(
Originally posted by Dradts

I already looked inside the sit file to see whether there is a DMG or IMG file packed in it, but it is just a plain copy of the installer CD.

Please don't tell me that I can't use this file to install Mac OS X 10.1 on my iMac!!!! :(

Ok we won't tell you.... that<B>you have a problem</b>

I yesterday downloaded a "Mac OS X 10.1 Installer CD.sit" from somewhere on the net

that's a problem....

cause I wuzn't able to get that CD in a store yet. Now I got some problems wit this sit file:


1st: The sit file is 730 MB, how do I get this on a CD??? I've got an iMac DV SE 600 here in my room, and its got a CD burner built in. But I can only burn max 640 MB CDs....

2nd: What do I have to do to make the burned CD bootable? Or don't I need to boot from that CD to install the Mac OS X 10.1 update?

needs to be a bootable OSX 10 cd.


some amateur or trickster (what is the diff)
did a finder copy of the (some)files and put them in a stuffit?????(via a windows file share ...no doubt)

not only sad, but unbelievable.

well, I guess they were just "backing up" the files.

next time get something which at least resembles a CD rom image....
I think the Apple Store has those.

...somewhere...on the....netTHIS IS NOT A TECH PROBLEM JUST A SOCIAL ONE
Theres everything in that sit file. An installer, an applications folder, mach kernel, blablabla etc...
Guess it would b possible to install that, if it would fit onto a CD :D

I just wonder why this file is called "MacOS X 10.1 Install CD" if it even doesnt fit onto one.... :rolleyes:
If theres not everything in that sit file, y should it then b about 730 MB large? :)

I guess its a 505 MB normal 10.1 update, wit a 230 MB virus on the back. Which mails itself to all people inside the address book and...:D
there's a way to install without CD if you have an empty partition... at least it worked with the previous versions, I think... but seeing how you obtained the installer (well... looks like you don't even know who made the .sit file... :P) I wouldn't recommend doing it...

I suggest you just trash the thing, and go get the CD....... or at least obtain it from someone who knows what he's doing...
well.. people here were kinda nice about it and sorta gave you help...

but I personally feel that you shouldn't be asking for help for stuffs you obtained illegally...

if people here provides help with some kids who don't know how to use their warez, doesn't it kinda make it seem like we encourage it?:confused:
Im not a kid.
And the MacOS X update is not a ware.

I'd rather get it from the store than download it from the net and have all kinda troubles wit it BUT...

...Apple is unable to deliver the CDs to the shops (here in Germany). I tried it at Gravis and some others, and nobody did have any update CDs there.

...I cannot order it at the Apple store cause I've lost my fxxxxn' software coupons that came wit my iMac.

...I don't wanna spend money on that upgrade. MacOS X 10.0.x wuz expensive and full of bugs. Besides lots of features were missing. The fact is, that its just not a system to work wit. So I (and all other x 10.0.x users who already payd money) should get that upgrade for free.


And now, don't say "u dont hafta use os x, go back to 9".
Dradts, did you call apple 'bro? Calling apple would have revealed that Apple isn't requiring the coupons. Yes, even though it says you need it on the web site, I talked with an Apple lady yesterday before ordering my CD and they "do not require a proof of purchase on this update, as it is useless to someone without OS X already installed. You do have it installed don't you?" I thought the last statment was little mommy-ish to say the least... but whatever.

If you are going to run 10.1, please just buy it... I would recommend doing the up-to-date with a fax machine... It all went smoothly, and I'm waiting for my copy. (2 day turnaround) I have no idea what the Germany situtation is though... (Since I don't live there, and haven't ordered stuff from Apple to be shipped there...)

Here's the rundown... If Apple comes and looks at the site, and we're helping the "cause" by helping people steal software, we become a regularly visted site; particularly in a way we don't want to be visited...
my guess is it is a lost cause.

go find another location...they exist

I don't have any specifics but I am sure...

if you have a spare partition dump the sucker out and see if it runs.

I feel that the links are not preserved well.
certainly the permissions will get messed up in OS9.

but feel free to try.

one of the reasons for the larger size may be because of the links being followed and everything turned into hard links which means there are many duplicates.

so there is some chance it would work if you have the hd space.

then select that partition as the startup and I figure your current 10.04 still has to be visible on another partion.

then see if the disk is recognized by startup

then try to boot into that partition and the installer should run or you will get a kernel panic.

if you do, start again with the option key and choose the other old install.

wipe the disk with the junk on it, throw away the sit file it is useless unless you spend a couple of months rebuilding the file map correctly.

so instead, go through the grueling process one more time and look around for a dl location.

or order it for 20 bucks.

either way, your money or your time will be well spent.

I haven't found any flaws at all in the system.

There is a bunch of software on shaky legs, but if you can write a few simple lines of code, you can do anything you want.

in a few months, a few flagship products will be finished and stunning and the situation will be a support nightmare.

I have never been able to teach graphic artists anything about computers and half of them can't even draw on paper.

So get your copy and get ready we expect to see you there on the front lines helping the next batch of newbies with this stuff.

And in this case, you will be eminently qualified with your personal "war story" to tell.
I tried to install this downloaded copy of mac os x 10.1 last night, and it wuz a nightmare.
After unpacking that sit file the whole thang blew up to about 1.3 GB.
So I deleted the 9.2.1 installer inside the package, and replaced the system folder wit my old, 10.0.4 system folder. I then wuz able to burn that stuff onto a cd. But what a surprise, it didn't work when I tried to boot from that CD :D

I'll try to get me my CD at a store now. Downloading the update from the net is definately wasted time....:)
a strong lesson in what not to do...

the 10.04 system folder would have been really bad...in any case.

The "System" folder is just some convenient grouping of root authority files that Apple made up..... has not the same relationship to the OS as OS9.x "System Folder".

the real guts are the kernel and the kernel extensions. most everything else configures them.

there are lessons to be learned here but too many to enumerate.

Draw your own conclusions.