What a high page in/out

One Sick Puppy

I'm trying to figure out if I should put more ram in my iBook G4/256mb.

With more apps than I'll normally use at once, the following is displayed under memory in activity monitor.

Wired: 39mb
Active: 138mb
Inactive: 69
Used: 246
Free: 7mb
VM: 2.84gb
page i/o: 22707/2872

The fact that I have any ram not being used suggests to me that I probably don't need anymore, but I know with windows, it will scale it's useage down with less ram, and use more ram if you have more.
that's a low page i/o count. I have 384 megs of ram and have much more (in the neighborhood of 150,000. Of course when it just starts up it is less. Do you restart every day?

still, more ram is nicer. I am planning to go to 640 soon, wish I had the coin for a gig stick.
Best thing I did was upgrade from 256 to 640, but I still get page-outs galore. 256mb of RAM should be the min. for running OS X. You will notice a difference though in how it runs...definitely worth the $100 or so.
I would recommend upgrading your RAM. With my iBook running on its original 128mb, the page out count was about 40-80% of memory hits, and performance was poor. By upping this to 384MB, the page out dropped to around 10 an hour (1% of hits) and performance was drastically improved.
As such, I'd suggest more RAM as being essential anytime a memory page out count is higher than 40%.
I've got 1.25 GB RAM and still get high page outs especially when running stuff like Photoshop and related design stuff at once –*at the mo its only 73(0) with only four of my apps running.
