what a nice mail.app!

Well I got an email today with 15 pdf attachments, have you seen the state of that! 15 randomly placed icons at the end of my message and no indication in the in box that there is even attachments to that mail.

Worse thing is I couldn't even select them all to copy them to a work folder, I had to move them one by one...

Good job it's a beta :)


{ I'm missing something, I dunno what but when I find it I'll know what I was missing... }
Originally posted by rw
The real irony is that Emailer 2.0 and the mail function of Cyberdog were such great apps. How can Apple just throw away two great products and then just dump this make-do mailer on us?

Apple didn't throw away Claris Emailer! "They gave it to M$". Outlook Express is based on Claris Emailer!
It seems as if Mail is based upon the original Mail app from NeXTSTEP. It functions pretty much the same way, and besides the shiny new Aqua colors, the GUI is similar. However, I remember reading a job posting at Apple that was loking for soemone to trun Mail into the best email client out there. From what i can tell from reading the comments on Beta, and the Final Release, mail has been fixed up a lot.

Personally, I love it. I use just two (2) email clients, a POP and the .mac account, and everthing is hunky-dory.

No multiple personalities:

This would be useless and redundent, this is a UNIX based multiple user OS, other people are meant to have to login in as themselves to check their mail.

Can't check other accounts?

I am using Mail to check five different accounts right now, my college account, my yahoo mail, my ISP mail account, my mac.com account, and my work account. All perform just fine with the exception of Yahoo who only wants their accounts to be checked externally once per day, so I get errors there on occation.

What I do miss is BCC, that should be present.

Also encrypting would be good feature. But all and all it is a strong little app for the general audience.
I've used multiple accounts in the OSX mail app.
You need to set up one main account then set up other POP accounts that can drop mail into folders.

When I reply or send I get a drop down menu to select the account I want to send from.

What does not work is auto account selection from replies within an account.

I'm still undecided as to which E-mail client to use, other suggestions would be great.
(1) I am using the Mail app because of its integration with the Address Book. Unfortunately the Address Book does not import enough of the data from my pre-existing Outlook and Palm Desktop address books.

Does anybody think Apple would enhance the Address Book, or is this being left up to 3rd parties? Do I have to buy MS Entourage (and suffer in the Classic world) ?

(2) I am using the Mail app and wish to create subfolders to stash my content. It seems there is no such function. Maybe someone can provide a solution, or perhaps some of whatever the development team was smoking?

(I do love OSX and the performance of the mail app is good for me so far)

I have noticed that on outgoing plain-text emails, Mail arbitrarily wraps the lines at right around 70 charcters. I have found no way to turn this annoying behavior off, other than to send in rich-text only.

I have notified Apple of this bug.
Great! Now I find that not only does Mail arbitrarily wrap plain-text formatted email at a perverse 70 characters, but if you tell it to send in rich-text format, but then don't do anything fancy with the font, it ignores you and sends in plain-text with the premature line-wrap crap.

Nevermind that it won't let you set a default color in Preferences for your outgoing rich text.


Mail did half of the things requested before it was even a beta for Gods sake. ~shaking my head~ I dont see one requested feature that wasnt implemented in the final version including rules OR multiple accounts or popups to select what email addy you send from.
Mail's RTF eMail format is not generaly used. Messages I send to anyone not using Mac OS X Mail.app appear as Plain-Text. Apple should implement HTML formating.:confused:
Q: Why is there no option to retrieve messages that have already been read??

A: There is. If you want to leave the messages on the server to be downloaded again to another computer:
Go to PREFERENCES. Select ACCOUNTS. Highlight one of your accounts. Click EDIT. Click the ACCOUNT OPTIONS tab. UNCHECK the RADIO BOX beside "Delete messages on server after downloading." This will enable you to download email for that account in Mail, and also be able to read them on another computer (which you can set to delete them from the server).

(Q:) What I do miss is BCC, that should be present.

A: It is. Open a new message composition window and press SHIFT APPLE B

(Q:) i was gobsmacked after painstakingly typing in all my contact info into addressbook [no import options fer gawds sake!!!] to find that dragging a contact from the address book into a blank compose window in mail.app doesnt create an email addressed to that person. nor does dragging a contact to mail.apps icon in the dock or onto the compose button in mailer.app.

A: To drag a contact from the address book, you need to drag the ICON of the user. When you grab the user icon in Address Book, it turns into a virtual card file. Apparently, this is a standardized addressing system understood by most email and contact apps(?). Presumably, if you can export VCF files from another app, you can import them (under FILE).
Originally posted by rhale1
Mail's RTF eMail format is not generaly used. Messages I send to anyone not using Mac OS X Mail.app appear as Plain-Text. Apple should implement HTML formating.:confused:

i haven't had this problem so far... rtf mails that i've sent to my dad, who uses outlook express in 9.1, appear just as i sent them, not as plain text. maybe you've got something configured wrongly... ??
also, by the way, html formatting in mails is a load of rubbish... it does exactly what you claim mail's rtf does...

thanks! at last someone that understands how to use mail.app ...
it's a good programm, and considering it's a beta, it's amazing how much it can do already if you take the time to understand how it works... :p
One thing that bugged me that I finally figure out: how to drag and drop to file messages. There's a blank column on the left of the messages. If you click and drag next to the message, a message icon appears which you can drag to one of your self-created folders. It's a time saver. Presumably, in the 'finished' version, there will actually be icons in this otherwise blank column.

(Sorry for the vagueness, but I don't have it in front of me cuz I'm working so I don't have X running.)

On the more problematic side, I just realized it's not deleting mail from the server. Hopefully it's just a wrong setting.

Also, I've been having frustrating problems with the address book. (I know, different app but it's connected) I tried adding an image to my address card and now can't dislodge it by deleting, cutting, replacing, etc. So now I have someone else's picture, and therefore don't send from that account. Aside from that, I don't know how to stop it accumulating multiple cards for the same address.

Any help with these would be appreciated,
Originally posted by Amelia Raitte
Also, I've been having frustrating problems with the address book. (I know, different app but it's connected) I tried adding an image to my address card and now can't dislodge it by deleting, cutting, replacing, etc. So now I have someone else's picture, and therefore don't send from that account. Aside from that, I don't know how to stop it accumulating multiple cards for the same address.

Any help with these would be appreciated,

the pictures you add into the address book are located at /users/yourname/library/images/people. you can drag them to the trash or whatever them from there...
i had the same problem a couple of days ago ... ;)
I had totally forgotten about that thing. It was totally great.

What was apple thinking when they dropped that?

Mail.app is problematic. There is something compelling about it though. I really *want* it to work. Visually it's pleasing to look it. I think that's the biggest advantage of it.

Other than that, I've experienced just about all the problems people have written about here, in addition, it is unreliable with attachments. It appears to send them, but depending on what e-mail app the other person is using, they are very likely to get "Attachment Missing!", and "Error decoding attachment."

It's best to make every message plain text and turn off the rich text option as that seems to confound many other e-mail apps also.