what antivirus for OS 10.3.1

There will only be a Best Virus Program when there is a virus for OS X. As of now, they are no viruses for OS X.
I've never used Norton for OS X, but I do have Virex (that you get for free if you register with .Mac) and that seems to work just fine. As bobw said, there really aren't any virus' for Macs but using an Anti-Virus app will help prevent you from passing infected files onto your Windows-using pals.
Virex is jsut so annoying.. It is so pc like, everytime you log in, it starts as default scrunching everything to see if you have any viruses.. the only viruses I get are .exe and .pif etc - those nice windows, outlook and windows addressbook useing friends who click everything and don't knwo what an anitvirus is.

I don't use M$ Office but OpenOffice, thus I won't be passing even the macros.

Windows is like a prostitute.. even when you use it with all the precautions, anti-viruses, anti-trojans etc, you know one day you'll get something nasty .. but that is just hte windows world. Macs can be enjoyed without those things. :)
While we may not see viruses now, there might be in the future. I use Norton Anti Virus just to be on the safe side. If you have and use classic, you have to be careful.
Yeah, it's perhaps not a bad idea to have an antivirus, and check downloads and mail attachments with it. The only viruses we could get, as far as I can figure, would be MS Word macro viruses, which tend to work more or less cross-platform (unless their writers hardcode C:\WinNT\... into the things).

But, the point still stands, that comparing antivirus software for Mac relatively pointless. I guess the best antivirus software would be one you could configure to not automatically run every log-in, and to automatically check downloads and attachments.
symantec anti-virus. problem is, you can't get it for mac.
norton is evil on PCs, as its interface chews up system resources. the symantec one, tho, runs nice. it's a shame they don't do the non-norton one for mac.
I've been using Norton Anti Virus for years. In fact it use to be called SAM.
TheQ said:
Intego has firewall, antivirus and data backup. great program

No offense, but I think you're three years too late on this one. Check the date on the posts in this thread before yours to see what I mean. :)