What Are Your Favorite Services?


Here are the services I like and find useful:
Look up Definition (in Dictionary.com - also looks up spelling => )
Search with Google

Mail Text
Mail to - not useful yet, but maybe in the future I'll be able to select a file(s) and the "Mail to" service to send it as an attachment. :)

Apropos - very cool, I type a command in the terminal, realize that I am not sure how to use it, highlight it and hit cmd-shift A and I get the results of searching the man pages with that keyword...

Make Sticky

Open selection - makes new TextEdit doc with selected text

What are yours?
I personaly don't use services very much ...
I think I would use them far more if there were a contextual menu item for those.
I don't find it "fast" to have to select a text, then go to the menus to find services.
I hope someone (maybe Apple) will make a contextual menu item for that. Peronaly, I don't have enough time to learn how to do that ...

Nevertheless, services are a great technologie,that can be very handy and usefull.
I use Make Sticky all the time - I find it really useful from Mail to hold useful bits of info that I need to check out over the next few days (such as recommended web sites, etc.)

This means that I can delete everything immediately from my inbox and can make it nice and neat.

Where do you get additional services? I only have Mail Text, Sticky, Open in OmniWeb and some Textedit ones...
Search Google is useful. I think one to send your text to dictionary.com would be really nice. :) But one that I now use constantly is OpenService. I can now open URLs from Terminal.app.
I try to use Services whenever possible because they usually make my life so much easier (and faster), although sometimes I just go back to OS 9 habits. :(

I find many Services useful... the Mail Text in Mail.app, and the Open Selection in TextEdit ones are very useful for the defaults. The summarize service is very neat, although I don't use it that much. I also use the Search Google service as well as the Open URL in OmniWeb service. I also like to use Text Wielder (VERY powerful service), and there are a few others that I usually use that I'm forgetting since I'm away from my traditional comp right now..

I just wish more programmers/users would take more note of Services so they can become more prominent. I would agree, though, that a contextual menu for Services would be nice.
Originally posted by Bluefusion
Where do you get additional services? I only have Mail Text, Sticky, Open in OmniWeb and some Textedit ones...

Get Watson 1.5. I think that's where the additional services come from.
I love the make sticky note service, but always have a problem with it. Unless I launch the stickies program in OSX before I use the service, whenever I try to use it the computer uses the stickies program in OS9...does anyone know why this happens, am I doing something wrong? How do I get this to work right?
This is just a guess, but you could try deleting the OS 9 version of Stickies, so your services thingy would be forced to use the OS X version instead.