The last time I used WordPerfect for Linux, It was such utter Crap, I immediately uninstalled it. For a background, I used to use WP Suite 7 and 8 in Windows, before Switching to Linux, and loved it. I hated having to use WinWord 6 or 95, since it didn't support "Reveal Codes" due to a design Flaw in the Word Document format.cellfish said:Corel is a good idea for a purchase, and they seriously need to be exclusive to one market because they seriously aren't cutting it on the PC. Corel is trying to move into the Linux 'market', but how much money can you seriously make with WordPerfect on a platform that gives OpenOffice away for free?
One of my Clients deals in Promotional Goods. Everyone on the Consumer Level of Graphic Design Professionals in that industry uses CorelDRAW and PHOTO-PAINT rather than Illustrator or Photoshop. At AU$600 for the Suite, rather than AU$1200 each, it's the obvious choice. They get AI's and PSD's from their Designers and email then to me to convert.cellfish said:Corel has decent graphics applications (Corel Painter being one of them) that OS X could use more frequent updates of and Corel Office is pretty darned good and it would be cool if that would be Apple's replacement for the (excuse the language) shitty Appleworks suite. Corel could sell its own PhotoPaint to replace Photoshop if ever Adobe decided that the Mac is no longer a profitable market. PhotoPaint isn't fantastic like Adobe's product, but it would definitely be a decent temporary alternative in a worst-case scenario.
And Unlike Corel WP for Linux, Apple WordPerfect for Mac would be ported properly.cellfish said:I think Apple users would embrace the purchase of Corel because Apple users love to root for the underdog in general.
Microsoft is experiencing the same kind of thing now... they make alot of different products that are all bleeding the company and the only thing that brings in money are office and windows.
I agree, but I think they should buy palmOne. This removes the Treo 650 (or rather, it's successors) from the market and Apple can create a Treo-like iPhone (step one: add a hard drive).fryke said:or if Apple would finally make up its mind and create _the_ mobile phone (iPhone, whatever...) to end the mobile phone wars...They could buy Nokia, for example.
I don't what the big deal is with Symbian (I've never seen it) - can anyone clue me in? It just seems to be the new kid on the block (just like Palm OS was in the day). I'm hoping most of these toy operating systems die off within the next few years.AdmiralAK said:Let them buy palmsource - now with the power of linux lol. They will have PalmOS, beOS and Linux OS licenses- If they buy nokia they control 40% of Symbian - kinda cool
Ceroc Addict said:I don't what the big deal is with Symbian (I've never seen it) - can anyone clue me in? It just seems to be the new kid on the block (just like Palm OS was in the day). I'm hoping most of these toy operating systems die off within the next few years.