What could be wrong ?


echo $row['what_tha'];
After an event where one QuickSilver system's network interface failed and was not working (The system was fine, just the Network Interface) .. I started to keep an eye on the system log, on that system and a few others just like it ....

On the system that had the interface drop ... I keep seeing lines such as this in the sytem log.. now and again ...
Oct 8 03:16:31 fnet2 mach_kernel: Tx Int Timeout - Comp = 0041 Kick = 0044 Int = 02080000
Oct 8 03:16:31 fnet2 mach_kernel: ^MTx Int Timeout - Comp = 0041 Kick = 0044 Int = 02080$

And when it failed .... there was entries like above for a period of several minutes each second.. then a log entry saying "Ethernet 0 has failed" ....

I have not seen any log entries with the mach_kernel: TX lines in any other system ... and they all have the exact services and software running ... basicly twin mirrors ... two systems serving two different things with a mirror system for each ....

I guess I need to feel better and not worry, by switching the mirror for that system as primary and the ?? system as the mirror .. but I sure do want to find out what could be the problem, and if anything is wrong hardware wise ....

Any Idea's ?