What crashes your X?

I've had a kernel panic before, from unplugging my Spressa USB CD burner after attempting to see if it would work in OS X (no). Other than that, nothing. Basically, the only reason my computer ever turns off is because of thunderstorms. They are my nemesis.
Yeah, I'm not looking forward to monsoon season in Tucson. Thunderstorms just about daily...

The nice part is that our back yard is adjacent to a baseball field. So there are huge stadium lights with metal poles that act as nifty lightning rods. The dogs all go ballistic when the lightning strikes them, because it is insanely loud. But since they are metal I seriously doubt that our house will ever be hit by lightning...

Hey! If I am wrong about this, Don't tell me. Ignorance is bliss, ya know...
I went out and bought a $50 15 minute power backup at MicroCenter a few months back. 2 power outages later, I'm glad I bought it.

Of course, it's got a stupid PC COM port connection so I can't use the auto-shutdown features, but I'm not missing much.

I feel a lot safer now that I bought it, esspecially this week knowing that they're calling for like 3 thunderstorms by next weekend :eek:
My Powerbook (Prismo) is rock solid. I run a web server, and app server (Resin), and a ton of other processes and it performs great and is very stable.

My B&W G3 400 has some issues. During a hard day of working in Illustrator 10 it locks...completely locks...atleast once, and if I have Classics running, and I using iTunes, it is almost guaranteed to score a Kernal Panic.

I think my beige G3 266 A/V is more stable in OS X than its younger B&W brother, although I don't us it much anymore...but maybe I should.
Originally posted by Tormente

I thought I was the only one! :D
People where wondering why I brought a computer to the party ("Look at that geek" shesh! :D)

Even tho it was on a Wintel box (not about to put more abuse on my G4 Tower than I have to), it was cool. And once the kids figured out I was the DJ, they where all checking out all the MP3s (dual monitors would have been sweet). Too bad I didn't have a Broadband connection to download songs I didn't have on the fly! heh :)

Isn't it amazing how far technology has gone? I still remember helping my cousin unload a van and setup all his gear 10 years ago... Now it all fits in a car's trunk! Or if it's a Laptop - in a backpack! :D

I remember, ooh, about a month ago, at my sister's 10th birthday party, we hired a football clubroom and a DJ, and we had to pay him for the hour it took him to set up! IF I had realised that I could have used my sister's Toshiba (or my dad's TiBook if he wasn't so stingy about MP3s ;) ) I could have saved my mum a lot of money :P! ALthough, I guess that even with the laptop I don't actually have any serious speakers lol! I just connect it to my folk's Stereo system which does NOT like being moved ;) Ah, go the speaker to jack cable that came with my CD Walkman lol!

Hey, does anyone know of any good DJing software for OS X (or maybe OS 9)? Because, so far I've only been using Winamp, and sure, it does the job (And has some kick-ass visualisations with the plugins I have) but I don't really think that it's up to scratch. On my iBook, I'll be stuck with iTunes, unless I can find anything better, (preferably for a low price, or at student pricing).

HAHAHA I should seriously turn up to my next gig with my iMac! See what they think ;) Seeing as I'm fast aproaching 2gigs of MP3s.. I seriously need to rip more! Hehehe!
You guys are lucky. I have crashed so many times that I can't remember the count ; and when I say crash it's black screen with white line -kernel panic first and then corrupt stack -.
First when I get my machine (dual 800, 1,256RAM, Gforce3, cable modem with france telecom line) I wanted to move the swap and the trick I applied was wrong so it crashed two or three times a day for about three weeks. I had installed my OS about ten times. Then it continues to crash ; I changed my ram ; I brought back my machine to my reseller thinking it was a hardware problem but everything was fine ; I changed my hard drive - still crashing two or three times a day. I was feed up with this (installing - backing up my disk ect.) so I buy a external drive to back up and install an OS on it and since then things are quite stabilized - I still continue to cash when opening iTune streaming and working in Word for X - the message I get now is "corrupt stack" "Unknown CPU code" and most of the time when I run fsck everything is fine.
I thought once to go back on os9 but I can't, X is so cool, so speed, so brilliant, so MAC...
I'm waiting the new one (10.2) to see if it end up with those crashes - I prefer crashing two or three time on X that a half time on WinbouseXP.
Vous avez un très mal CPU. Hehe, my schoolboy french is terrible :D :p

Basically, it sounds like one or both of the G4s in your machine are faulty. :(

Have you got a hardware test CD?

Good luck. I feel for you. There's nothing more painful for a guy or gal to see his or her Mac in pain :(
on my former iMac DV SE 400. My current setup has not yet crashed on me. Oh yeah it did. After burning a disk image the iMac stopped responding. Strange, since it's not such an exotic activity...
Nothing has ever crashed on X on either of my machines running it. Classic, however, crashes on a regular basis. I can set my watch to the behavior of Classic crashes. Can't wait until I can afford to upgrade all my software to X.

Down with classic!
Dave 3.1 has crashed my MacOSX each time I tried to uninstall... Bugs the life out of me
I experienced my first screen freeze in OS X today -- after 8 months with OS X on both my iMac DV SE and Pismo. I was scrolling through a very long Word file located on a networked drive mounted on the desktop (on an OS 9 machine) when Word suddenly quit. No dialog box letting me know the application unexpectedly quit and no crash log (I have crash logs enabled). I then brought my mouse down to the dock and the dock and mouse froze. I tried to force quit but the system didn't respond. After a couple of seconds I hard restarted the iMac. I ran fsck in single user mode and it did find a few minor problems and rebooted.

Everything seems to be running fine now but I was completely shocked by the freeze. I really thought they were a thing of the past.
Yesterday I downloaded RTCW. :D
I was so happy and then the display went black and thats it------ X crashed. I have this problem with almost every game but Quake 3! But I found a solution to fix it. I opened the .cfg file in BBEdit and changed "r_fullscreen "1" " to "0". I could then play in window mode. The weird thing is that I made a mistake and changed it in the game back to 1 :rolleyes: But then it worked in fullscreen. But only at a resolution of 1024x768 and above. Everything else crashes X. :eek: Quake 3 works perfect in 800x600. :o :(

Weird eh? :confused:

(Im using a Studio Display 17" on a radeon PCI. If anyone knows a solution for the other resolutions. PM me please! My specs are down the page! :cool: )
occasionally i'll shut off my Que! Fire CD-RW while iTunes is running, and that'll kernel panic and just fry everything. The panic only happens about 20% of the times i shut off the drive, but it's pretty hot when it does - lol

that's about it tho!