Originally posted by Tormente
I thought I was the only one! 
People where wondering why I brought a computer to the party ("Look at that geek" shesh!
Even tho it was on a Wintel box (not about to put more abuse on my G4 Tower than I have to), it was cool. And once the kids figured out I was the DJ, they where all checking out all the MP3s (dual monitors would have been sweet). Too bad I didn't have a Broadband connection to download songs I didn't have on the fly! heh 
Isn't it amazing how far technology has gone? I still remember helping my cousin unload a van and setup all his gear 10 years ago... Now it all fits in a car's trunk! Or if it's a Laptop - in a backpack! 
I remember, ooh, about a month ago, at my sister's 10th birthday party, we hired a football clubroom and a DJ, and we had to pay him for the hour it took him to set up! IF I had realised that I could have used my sister's Toshiba (or my dad's TiBook if he wasn't so stingy about MP3s

) I could have saved my mum a lot of money

! ALthough, I guess that even with the laptop I don't actually have any serious speakers lol! I just connect it to my folk's Stereo system which does NOT like being moved

Ah, go the speaker to jack cable that came with my CD Walkman lol!
Hey, does anyone know of any good DJing software for OS X (or maybe OS 9)? Because, so far I've only been using Winamp, and sure, it does the job (And has some kick-ass visualisations with the plugins I have) but I don't really think that it's up to scratch. On my iBook, I'll be stuck with iTunes, unless I can find anything better, (preferably for a low price, or at student pricing).
HAHAHA I should seriously turn up to my next gig with my iMac! See what they think

Seeing as I'm fast aproaching 2gigs of MP3s.. I seriously need to rip more! Hehehe!